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Merged install question

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Hi Guys,


I've only recently put together a merged install of SF2, SF2E and SF2V. Can I use add ons like NF4 and SF2V Gold in a merged install or will I get soviet aircraft appearing in vietnam and north vietnamese migs in germany etc etc.


Cheers Ross

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the limited nations statements in the terrain inis and aircraft users list usually prevent this




since it is merged, can one assume you've run the SF2E and SF2V exes, thereby creating their seperate mods folders? In essence, create 3 complete and sepreate installs. (don't forget to create shortcuts for each!)


It's easier to then add the SF2v expansion ONLY to SF2V mods folder, and NATO4 to ONLY SF2E's mods folder. Leaving the SF2, alone.


It'll (SF2) will still have access to EVERYTHING, as it's the main or core game -- just look at your aircraft list; everything from all 3 are available from SF2.


but having them seperated makes things just a bit cleaner, and easier to work with.



kevin stein

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personally i have loaded NF4+ on a seperate install onto my external HD. worked great til i had to redo my laptop back to factory specs and renamed my username. but still i just think it worked better keepin it completely seperate.

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