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Operation: Polar Glory '99 v1.03

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Operation: Polar Glory '99 v1.03

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// Operation: Polar Glory 1999


// By Baltika


// v1.03


// 19 December 2010


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// Campaign mod for WoE October 2008 patch installs


// Russian Invasion of Iceland 1999



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The proposed construction of US missile defence systems in former Warsaw Pact Eastern European countries poses the greatest threat to Russian national security since the Nazi invasion of the Great Patriotic War.


The refusal of the Western Powers to negotiate on this issue has left the Kremlin with no option but to pursue a military solution. Full-scale war in Central Europe is considered detrimental to Russian national interest.


A bold strike to occupy the strategically vital staging post of Iceland is considered to be an achievable goal which will demonstrate the resolve of the Russian people whilst avoiding a nuclear escalation of hostilities.


Once occupied, Iceland will become the major forward missile and submarine base of the Russian Empire and will guarantee strategic control of the North Atlantic.


Air and ground units of the Iceland Defence Force are on station to mount a defence of the island. The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower CVN-69, with units of Carrier Air Wing 7 embarked, is making all speed to the North Atlantic to oppose the Russian invasion. . .



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// 1.03 update


Revised installation instructions to synchronise with Iceland terrain v1.02.





// 1.02 Update


This adds in squadrons from the remaining members of the Iceland Defence Force:-


RNoAF 332 Skv (F-16)


RCAF 441 Sqn "Silver Foxes" (CF-188)


KLU 323 Sqn (F-16)




Also adds in the following ground forces:-


Norwegian Telemark Battalion


Dutch Regiment Huzaren Van Sytzama


Royal Canadian Dragoons





In addition to the files listed below which were required for previous versions, you will need to add the following files:-


CF-188 mod by Saguanay, based on Mirage Factory FA-18A:

Available at http://www.checksix-fr.com/


KLU 323 Sqdn Skinpack by RavenClaw_007 (Put in F-16A_Blk10-NDC folder):-




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Required Files:-


Iceland Terrain by Baltika, and v1.02 update:-








Aircraft Carriers & Ships:


USN Nimitz Class Carriers - Modded by WombRaider from original by Digital Overload:



Admiral Gorshkov by X-RAY



UdaloyI by China Insky Team



UdaloyII by China Insky Team





Russian Aircraft:-


MiG-31M - Modded by Erwin Hans from lindr2's original



SU-33 Sea Flanker by Insky Group:



SU-39 by Erwin Hans et al



MiG-29 by Mirage Factory (MiG-29C_rus)



Tu-95A Bear by Veltro2k



MiG-27K mod by Gepard



Su-27 by MarcFighter




NATO Aircraft:-


F-14A+ - Modded by Typhoid from Mirage Factory original:



F-15C/D MSIP by Dave, Crusader, Fubar512, wpnssgt et al



Harrier GR7 by bobrock



Tornado F3 by bobrock



F-16A Block 10 NDC by Mirage Factory



FA-18A by Mirage Factory



EA-6B Prowler by Agamemnon &allenjb42, original by Hawker







57th FIS F-15C skin by Dave



VF-103 Jolly Rogers F-14 skin by Paul Nortness (put in F-14A+ folder)




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Ensure that all files listed above are installed.


The files included in this download pack are set up to make it obvious where everything has to go.


Contents of \Campaign folder to your WoE\Campaign folder, \Menu folder to WoE\Menu folder, etc.


For those who are updating a previous version of this campaign mod, just drop the included files into your existing install, over-writing any previous version. This will break any earlier Polar Glory campaign still in progress, so you may wish to finish before updating.


Any problems getting it up and running, give me a shout.



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I had a problem getting Su-33 loadouts to work in campaign mode. To get the missiles to show up, I had to use the weapons editor to remove StationCode entries from these missiles:- AA-11B, AA-10C and AA-10D. If you have nay trouble with this stuff, post in the support thread and I'll do my best to help out.


For all those of you who say, "Why aren't you using the new TMF F-14A/B for SF2?"

This is a "template" campaign based on all the stuff I have in my heavily-modded WoE Oct 08 install. The purpose is to get a workable Iceland campaign out asap, as this has been requested and is a mission goal. I am also behind the curve in modding SF2, and I am very keen to see what the new EPs and F-14 game will bring to the table in terms of naval warfare. Those of you who have tried my Midway campaign will know I can force naval engagements in the WoX engine, but there is no point busting a gut to get something done when it will be served up on a plate soon enough.


Having said that, look out for "Operation: Nordic Hammer," coming soon for SF2 series.


Meantime, have fun in the Battle for Iceland ;-)


Bug reports, complaints and Single Malt to Baltika, c/o CombatAce ;-)


18 November 2010


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