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C-160D Transall

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Totally forgotten... :blink: Guess i should really give them a go...

Next week i have a few days off, that should be enough! :cool:


I'm very happy about this Florian!

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Realy love this one, thx for creating it.

One wiered thing i notice yesterday when flying the Transall.

During the mission i was attacked by 2 Mig21s.

They fired a couple of missiles from behind and everyone missed the plane.

It seems that the missiles didn't detect the planes. Once released the missiles go down to earth in a very flat curve.

It didn't look that they ever locked on the plane.

I was later shot down by gunfire.

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What was your altitude? In game most WarPac missles have a hard time tracking you below 400-500 ft agl. Gunfire still works fine at all altitudes however.

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I can confirm that. Flying low makes most WP missiles pretty useless in game. Had this with many aircraft, it´s a good way to bring a mud-mover home, but also dangerous when you get in range of AAA..... :biggrin:

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I'm not sure about the alt. I was low but not close to the ground. The Migs were at the same alt trying to fly slow as possible .from their view the the Transport were in line with the horizon . I thought they should have killed me with the missiles.

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