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OT: Game Over for World of Warcraft

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3 games I am playing at present...


OFF no need to introduce...


Fallout NV... Interesting with some issues major pain in the butt is having to be linked to Steam you can play the game unlinked for around 10 games after that back to steam annoying is not the right word as I prefer to play it offline also why buy the DVD version in advance and then have to download the entire game ????


X Universe games for when I most definitely need to kill spaceships and get great visuals at the same time... though some days I am just a lonely wanderer among the stars...


As to the rest well... the day they come out with a truly free rolling Fallout type game I am lost nay doomed... the biggest issue I have is why do some games have genius AI and some have stupid ones ???


Stalker for one the AI in one of the Mods is downright nasty it tries to flank you by hiding behind trees etc while his mate shoots at you to keep him covered and then they leapfrog towards you can get nasty against higher level bad guys... and in others the AI just walks at you blasting not even ducking or dodging ??? Anyhew...

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Just how cold is it there? Here it's -20°C and a freezing wind blows from the northeast from the Arctic Ocean, making it even colder. But with proper clothing, it isn't that bad. :grin:


Over here, it's not so cold, but it's a humid cold. It only takes about 35^F for my joints to all start hurting. The summer heat down here nearly kills me, but at least it's not painful. I couldn't stand to live any place colder :blink:


Speaking of indies, any news about your naval games?


We have a number of new products in work, a couple of which will be released before the end of the year, or at least come close. We'll be announcing them shortly.

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The console tyranny is breaking down the creativity of developers. Consoles poor command controls and wrong game postures (couching) are driving the developers to produce more easy and streamlined games. All that pleases the new industry barons that only see video/computer games as commodities.

And nothing pisses me off more than spending my money on a really bad port to PC like, for example, Dead Space. What should have been a fun addition to the horror game genre was just about unplayable on the PC.

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I just got "Two Worlds II", yes I know it's a stupid name, and while it isn't up to Oblivions level of polish, I see some real potential in it. The devs put in a few very good ideas that make gameplay fun. It's a swords a sorcery type game and the combat and magic system are quite unique. You can even custom create and name your own spells out of various spell abilities. So instead of the usual "level 3 Fireball", you can actually create a spell that shoots out a ball of fire, then jumps to hit nearby opponents and continues to burn them all for a certain length of time and call it "Hellshades Party Favors". Melee combat is fast and furious with enphasis placed on speed and timing of your strikes as well as defensive moves.


The camera is a little to wobbly. And for God's sake they need to allow it to handle at least 4x AA to get rid of jaggies, but if they patch it up a bit I think they will have a AAA title on their hands. Huge open world and no limit to character customization (other than you are always a human...no elves, etc). Considering how crumby the original Two Worlds was, they must have really listened to player feedback.



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And nothing pisses me off more than spending my money on a really bad port to PC like, for example, Dead Space. What should have been a fun addition to the horror game genre was just about unplayable on the PC.

I saw this in another forum and reminded me your post:


Modern Game Design


-Third Person / FPS Cam

- Limited inventory (don't want to confuse your audience!)

- No puzzles, no backtracking, nothing, just go forward, shoot s**t, repeat.

- Heavy use of guns

- You're part of a squad of badasses, usually goes by code name ex: Alpha Squad, Bravo Squad, Delta Squad.

- Limited weapons you carry (makes it more realistic)

- The sequel strips even more out.

- Can usually be completed in 5 hours

- A plethora of DLC that was probably already in the game.


EDIT: @Hellshade, there's a mod if you like large inventories. I usually prefer to not use this mods, because the game was meant to be played with a small inventory. http://www.insidetwoworlds.com/showthread.php?t=32213

Edited by Von Paulus

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Thanks for the tip VP! The fact that it can be modded is a definately plus. That's what makes Oblivion one of my favorite games.


I decided to work out some of my frustration with some Wings of Prey set to full "realistic" mode. Two BF 109s on veteran mode (Ace) vs me in my lone P-51D Mustang. Torque effects and other things make the P-51D drop into a spin quite easily if you aren't careful. You can see once in there I literally recovered at tree top level. Couple that with the blackouts from g-forces and some rather determined opponents and it makes for a damn tought fight.


If only they didn't have such a small number of maps to fly in (vs OFF where you get all of France and part of England!) and the Campaign was Dynamic like OFF. Ah well, few developers have the talents that OBD does.


Wings of Prey 2 v 1 (3:16) 1080HD


Wings of Prey 2 v 1 multiple views replay (3:22) 1080HD



Edited by Hellshade

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I am a big fan of Mount and Blade..it's easy to get into...and really hard to get out of!

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Torque effects and other things make the P-51D drop into a spin quite easily if you aren't careful


This should only be a factor if the fuselage tank is full, which moves the CG well aft. If you have a choice, don't fill the fuselage tank unless you need it for the range of the mission, and even then burn it first before the drop tanks. With little or no fuel in the fuselage tank, the Pony shouldn't spin unless 1 or both of 2 things happen:

  1. You don't use the 1st notch of flaps, which is there to increase your turn performace. But they also increaces drag so you need to constantly be going on and off with them.
  2. You try to turn hard below about 250 knots. Even with the maneuver flap setting in use, that will make you go tits over teakettle because of the stall characteristics of the Pony's laminar flow airfloil section.

Of course, if you're blacking out, you're obviously trying to turn too hard. The Pony is an E-fighter primarily, although it CAN turn fairly well. But NEVER turn below 250 knots, and NEVER get below 275 knots unless the enemy is already much slower.


The secret to turning with things like 109s is to take the outside track. That is, your corner speed is higher than theirs, but when both are at corner speed, their turn rates are nearly identical. So, you turn at your corner speed of about 250 (using maneuver flaps) , staying on the 109's low 6, and you can keep pace with him. Just fly formation there until he gets frustrated and reverses, and then you have him. Barrel roll over him if you don't nail him when he crosses your nose, but NEVER go for lead pursuit when he's turning at HIS corner speed or you'll stall out.


I am a big fan of Mount and Blade..it's easy to get into...and really hard to get out of!


IMHO, M&B is the greatest 1st person hack&slash game ever. And it's SO gratifying to lead an army to victory while standing amongst them and limited to very simple commands. I was playing M&B Warband today at the fire station between calls and had a most satisfying battle against a rather larger herd of Sea Raiders (aka Viking marauders). My character is still in the early going so is doing the merchant thing to build up seed money. I've only got a half-dozen compainions (although they're rather pimped out) and 10 or so Mercenary Cavalry. I had my companions (all of whom have bows) distract the enemy while I led my cav around their flank through a gully, then charged them from the rear. I had to do this a couple times, but in the end victory was ours. Great renown due to the disparity in numbers, minimal casualties, and lots of loot :drinks: .






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I couldn't agree more BH


My Charecter is 388 days old now, I had two Castle's (sadly lost one to those bastard Vaegirs)...which is why I show no mercy whatsoever, and loot burn and Kill every man woman and Child in their filthy Villages!!..GRRRRR :grin:


I love playing an evil warlord!...much more fun than a goody two shoes anyday!


The fact there are so many Mods available too is fantastic!...I have a Napoleonic mod which I really enjoy, and had a Roman one, which was great also.


They will reside on my HDD for a long time to come...the Combat is second to none

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Kill every man woman and Child in their filthy Villages!!..GRRRRR :grin:


I love playing an evil warlord!...much more fun than a goody two shoes anyday!


I've made a good living looting villages myself, but only do that if you have no intention of ever owning them later. For some reason, memory lingers even if you kill all the people, so that looted villages will hate you ever after, so won't make you any money. It's a real pain rebulding their opinion, especially when you can't take time off from major wars to herd their cows and such.


Still, it's lots of fun :diablo:


I always thought that M&B was multiplayer... can I play it in SP?


Actually, M&B started out as SP. The new version, Warband, introduced a lot of MP action.


On the SP side, it's a "realistic" medieval RPG. That is, no magic, no monsters, just normal people. Your job is to fight your way into the nobility and perhaps even become king somewhere. This requires raising, training, and equpping an army, which requires money, which requires fighting. Basically, think of yourself as Sir Thomas Hawkwood or some such :).


The stock "native" SP campaign is set in an imaginary world, but there are beaucoup mods for other worlds, such as historical places at historical times. Other mods have magic, firearms, etc. One of my favorites is 1866, which is a Wild West total conversion :).

post-45917-036632000 1290870228.jpg

post-45917-048600700 1290870230.jpg

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And for playing in SP, do I need to have both M&B and Warband, or Warband will be enough?

Do you know if with the Steam version I can play with mods?

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And for playing in SP, do I need to have both M&B and Warband, or Warband will be enough?

Do you know if with the Steam version I can play with mods?


Warband is the new and improved M&B. Besides MP, it has a number of imrpovements and expansions to the SP side, so I'd get Warband for SP.


As for Steam, I have no idea how that works. I just downloaded the game from the Tale Worlds site and have never touched Steam. I don't do MP.


One thing: Warband is still fairly new so there aren't that many mods for it yet. The great mass of mods are for the original M&B and a number of them ain't compatible with Warband.

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Thanks Bullet. I think I'll try to get a demo.

For the Oblivion fans, here he's a mod of Tolkien's Middle -Earth already in beta stage.



Wow, that looks really professional for a mod. And extremely ambitious too. I hope they can complete the project. It often happens with big mod projects that they are never finished, for one reason or another.

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Man, that's actually really amazing. I don't even like Oblivion and I would love to play that. I didn't expect Minas Tirith to look THAT good. I'm big on Middle-Earth, The Hobbit was one of the first books I ever read after I picked it up from my elementary school library years and years ago.

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Wow, that looks really professional for a mod. And extremely ambitious too. I hope they can complete the project. It often happens with big mod projects that they are never finished, for one reason or another.

It's looking quite nice. As far as I know they want to finish next year.

A lot of pictures here.

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Man, that's actually really amazing. I don't even like Oblivion and I would love to play that. I didn't expect Minas Tirith to look THAT good. I'm big on Middle-Earth, The Hobbit was one of the first books I ever read after I picked it up from my elementary school library years and years ago.


I imagine you are probably already aware of this, but just in case you aren't...Lord of the Rings Online is now Free 2 Play. No more $14.95 / month subscription required. The original game and all of its expansions have always scored high reviews, so it might be worth taking a look at if you haven't already.




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I had no idea, thanks for the heads up! That's absolutely worth checking out. The only MMO I play is EVE Online, though it's pretty intermittent (the past few weeks I've only been logging in to keep my skills training). I'll definitely look into LotR now that it's free, sounds awesome


Yesterday morning I started Valkyria Chronicles on the PS3. Now that is a lovely game. Gorgeous artwork, really fun tactical gameplay. In the 90s I loved Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Ogre so this is right up my alley. Shame I have lots of work to do this upcoming week, not likely to play Valkyria or continue my Royal Flying Corps career 'til Thursday night.

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One game not mentioned here, but is certainly worthy of note is Dark Messiah, Heroes of Might and Magic...Budget game now, but the most gory, brilliantly enjoyable Hack n Slash ever/coupled with a good plot


Highly recommended

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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By the way Mount & Blade is on sale in Steam. 5€.

One of the best Hack n Slash, is the new Divinity 2: Dragon knight, which brings 2 SP campaigns. 100 hours of play. I tried this weekend, and really liked it.

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I'm really excited about that Middle Earth mod for Oblivion. I used to play Oblivion a lot a couple of years ago, but then I got bored with it and stopped. For a fan of Mr. Tolkien, such a mod is a dream come true. I'll definitely keep an eye on its development. The graphics and landscape and everything looks really amazing. Thanks a lot for the link, Von Paulus. :good:


I heard about LotRO becoming free, but I'm afraid to start playing any MMORPG's. They are far too addictive games, and I don't trust my ability to not become addicted. I'm a weak man. :grin:

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I'm really excited about that Middle Earth mod for Oblivion. I used to play Oblivion a lot a couple of years ago, but then I got bored with it and stopped.


There's also a good mod for Oblivion called Nehrim. This one is finished and ready for download.

I didn't played it yet, but from what I've read from other users reviews is highly recommended.

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That Nehrim certainly looks interesting. I'll have to install Oblivion and check it out. Funny, it seems all kinds of Oblivion mods have been secretly in development after I stopped playing the game. Thanks again, Von Paulus. :grin:


Now if only I could find the game DVD...

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