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Hi i hope someone can put me out of my frustration! I have FE2 and i want to change the clouds so i have tried several mods (one at a time) which i put into my C:\Users\Saved Games\ThirdWire\FirstEagles2\Flight


All i end up with when i use scattered or broken is a blue sky with a white flickering to the side of the screen when i turn my head....i do not see even one cloud in the sky. If i go 3000 feet up or so i still see no cloud.


I just dont want to use the stock ones Yuk!


What am i doing wrong thanks.

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It sounds like you are using a FE1/SF1 sky mod.


FE2/SF2 uses some different code in it's files for DX10 use. You need a sky mod like I made for it to work in FE2/SF2.

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