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So I finally did it....

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Thats right, I have gone and done it now, I got ALL four SF2's cause I couldn't bare to have just one or two. I must say, it has brought me out of my Strike Fighters slump. I never had the original SFP1 so I was happy with the merc campaigns as they were all new to me. The graphics have improved markedly, and that is also nice after so much FSX and RoF. The new mod system took me a bit to get used too (read the readme dummy, lol) but now I couldn't be happier. Think I will go make a video of my exploits for all to enjoy, till then............

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welcome to the darkside told you we had cookies:grin: i focused on WOE and SF2 Europe being an Europe nut (Cold War Fulda Gap and tales of the Berlin Brigade when i was a private) but i have found the other titles are great too and not just for the items they bring to the GermanyCE (F-51, Meteor F8, CVA63, etc) as for modding i am extremely computer dumb and couldn't do a thing in Gen1 if it wasnt run the exe file. in Gen2 i have all sorts of things going on in my folders so imagine what the old pros can do. or just d/l NF4+ and wait on the Korean War mod in the works!:grin:

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Is there a discounted price if I purchase all 4 at once? I noticed on the Thirdwire sight there was an option to buy all 4 but now its "no longer available".

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Not at the present time...the 4 for 1 deal was last year. TK may offer it again at some point.



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