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Do it like the FIFA

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Rarely do I go political, and so this isn't - it's about professional sports.

British newspapers have shown FIFA commity members up: they'd take money for their votes.

Not a good idea, it seems - cause the FIFA gave the next world championship to Russia and Quatar.

Many people would have liked to see it in England - me included - but no, not with the FIFA!


Money makes the world go round. And the money the FIFA earns, is tax-free. No joke.

Their domicile is in Switzerland - such things are possible there.

Each state that wants to take part, has to sign a treaty including the assurance: the money won't get taxed!

Now can you imagine, how much tax South Africa has not earned - and what they could have done with it?

Should I write a letter to our minister of finance: dear Sir, I am willing to work in Germany,

if you promise me that my earnings will not be taxed?


I wonder what would happen, if the Colombian drug barons would offer even more money?

Not that I want to compare Russia with drug barons - not in the least!

Russia does really play soccer quite well.

But has anyone ever heard of Quatar? I mean: about soccer teams from Quatar?


More and more often I say to my friends: one should PLAY Fußball / soccer - not watch it on TV!

(Sorry, but every now and then it gets me!)

Edited by Olham

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Professional sport is all about money. The 'national' aspect of international sport is just a veneer to appeal to the largest possible fan base. Even setting aside BBC Panarama's own goal about corruption, FIFA knows the English fans are a captive audience and will still watch the 2018 world cup, only now a massive population of Russians will watch it too. And Qatar? Well, look at F1 motorsport, and see what part of the world is building all the new circuits. Ask yourself why it's happening there, and not back here. It's got nothing whatsoever to do with motorsport. It's all about corporate business and new opportunities.


Scotland has an International Rugby league team, but to my knowledge, there are no rugby league teams anywhere in Scotland. Nobody here even plays rugby league so how and why have we got a national team? Let me guess, they're all ex-pats from down under padding out some tournament with a 'scottish' presence. Who actually cares that half of them couldn't pronounce Kirkcudbright or name four cities in Scotland? Does it matter?


Don't get me started on pro rugby union, and all the ringers who can play for Scotland because their great granny once owned a woolly jersey that had 'Made in Scotland' on the lable. Strikes me in modern professional sport there is very little decided on principle.


Does it matter at the end of the day? It's just entertainment. If you want to enjoy it, just keep cheering when you're supposed to and don't look at it any deeper than that.


Am I being too cynical?

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I'm not in any way a sports fan...can't stand any of it...but, the Fifa issue is an utter farce

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Please, like the USA is a great hosting place for soccer...are you kidding? The audience for it just isn't there in terms of percentages.


Frankly, I've never 'gotten' the fascination with professional sports. Folks who can recite the most trivial sport statistics I've ever heard of, yet don't know why paying the 'minimum balance due' on a credit card is a BAD idea (quiet Lexx_Luthor...no comments from you :biggrin: ) just baffle me. It's kind of like the entertainment industry in general...why do we really give a much of a rat ass as we do?


You want a change for stuff like this? Simple...walk away. Don't watch it, read about it, or discuss it with friends. Let players go on strike, let entertainers burn themselves out in creative ways...just don't care. Spend time watching local teams, intramural, or coach. Listen to your local bands, watch a local play.


It's amazing what else out there is interesting when you don't care about big entertainment.



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I find it just a little ironic that the trusty old BBC is suddenly whiter than white, fighting nasty corruption which stifles the 'nations' interests.


This will be the same BBC which arbitrarily excuded Scotlands elected government from three pre-election leadership debates aired throughout Scotland just days before a general election?


Sell out your integrity BBC, and you are nothing.


(Sorry if that touches on politics admin, but neutrally so I hope. My point is the hypocracy and power of the media - and their hidden agendas).




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One way for a country to lose a fortune is to host the World Cup. You end up with a lot of stadiums that will lose money for ever. The only people that make money are Septic Bladder and his cronies.

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FastCargo: It's amazing what else out there is interesting when you don't care about big entertainment.


So true! Not only out there - also indoors! Flying OFF, making love...

A total breakdown of power supply during the world championship would be great - we don't have enough

babies in Germany...

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One way for a country to lose a fortune is to host the World Cup. You end up with a lot of stadiums that will lose money for ever. The only people that make money are Septic Bladder and his cronies.

I saw it happen with the Euro 2000 hosted by my country. At least one of the stadiums isn't being used at all. We had some revenues for hosting but it was a bad investment.

It could have been recovered if the World championship would have gone to Portugal/Spain, because the infrastructure was already there.

It's always a question of money. And football his corrupted by it. There's a certain tendency to man corrupt and get corrupted. It's in our genes. It's also in the Bible.

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"least five executive committee members "personally assured" Prince William and David Beckham they would vote for the England bid, only to back other contenders in the first round. "


Obvously their word is their bond.

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You leave my hero out of this Davy!... :lol:


Its a good job for Olham and his mates that they wont ever come across Boris the Hun destroyer in Over Flanders Field because I woundn't fancy their chances if they did.


Edited by Davy TASB

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That was a perfectly fair tackle...forceful yes..but certainly not a foul!...I have no idea what all the fuss was about! :lol:


Good job the German Player wasn't carried off by these idiots!

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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:rofl::rap: :fu: :mad::banned::spiteful::rofl: Edited by Olham

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