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Strange Map Problem SF2V

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Hi Guys,


Can someone try this on there computer for me please.


I have a problem if I fly a Mig for Nvietnam over the heavily populated area in the north ie Hanoi ect. The probelm isn't in game but if I press M to look at the map my game crashes. I get a DX10graphicsengine.dll error. I think its because there are too many labels on the map for AAA and sams. It doesn't happen if I fly a US plane. I just want to know if i'm chasing a game error or a hardware error. I think its something to do with haveing too many label.


Thanks in advance :good:

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When I fly a MiG over North Vietnam in SF2V and press M, I have no problems. You may have a corrupted file/game and may need to reload the game to see if that is the problem.

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Thanks for checking that for me mate. I found the problem, I'd changed some altitudes in the missioncontrol.ini. However in EXP2 TK have added some entries in the missioncontrol.ini regarding the map. All sorted now.


Thanks again

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