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Just one of those wow moments

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Did a recon flight over the bearing straights with 2 F-14A's to test out the new map. When we arrived we got jumped by some Mig 23's x4 and Su-17's x2. After a hectic fight a SA-8 nailed my wing man and i splashed all the floggers the Su-27's bugged out and broke off and I headed home. Looking at my fuel gauge I became panic stricken as I was reading 410 pounds!!! There was no way I was going the distance! So I cut throttle down to the lowest I could go and maintain alt. 17% at 200Kts. Just as I was getting ready to punch I noticed an airfield that was friendly at around 20 miles and headed for it watching the fuel count down.

Upon landing approach I looked again to see it at 70 pounds of fuel! Upon full stop I was at 55 pounds. WOW just WOW.

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True, SF series is full of those! :drinks:Had a similar situation earlier today, when after chasing MiG-23 on full burner (bagged him) I landed at friendly airbase with like 250 pound left. Hairy! Still, your was even hairier, lol.

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I had something similar happen recently when flying a Hunter9 in SF2'S Desert Thunder campaign. Struck a target in Paran and ended up having to more or less glide it in home for the last ten miles or so with all my tanks empty. Thats one of the things I love about this sim series; no matter how much pre-planning you do, there's always some extra enemy fighters you have to outmanoeuvre or one wingman who needs his 'six' cleared.

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