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Anyone familiar with this news about Strat 1st cuts?

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From Jeff Lackey, A Computer Gaming Mag Editor (forget which one)


From SimHq


These cuts are far more than the cuts that were announced a few months ago - these were a surprise. A BIG surprise. And this isn't some minor cost management move. Arguably the two biggest "Name" properties that Strat First had in development were the teams behind Wizardy 8 and Jagged Alliance (Jagged Alliance 3 was in progress) and both have been released and have announced to the industry that they are looking for new jobs. Here's a quote from the unofficial announcement:

"The Strategy First office in Ottawa has been shut down more than 2 weeks ago. On the morning of Friday 13th December/2002 the employees of the Ottawa Branch Development Team of Strategy First Inc. arrived at work to find VP Chuck Kroegal from the Montreal Office waiting.


They were gathered around and told that the Ottawa Branch office was closed effective immediately. They were instructed to clear out desks, turn in keys, sign releases, then leave.


In the speech that was made by Brian Clarke, Senior Vice President, employees were informed, though Strategy First would finish the year profitable the office was being closed because PC game sales had dipped and Quebec investors insisted the office be shut down. Further cuts would be forthcoming in the Montreal Office.


The shutdown of the Ottawa branch of Strategy First was also the reason why the Wizardry 8 development team issued a dramatic press release five days later: they were employed there from October 2001 until December 13th."


As I noted, the Jagged Alliance team has also announced that they have been cut loose.


I haven't heard anything through official channels yet, so anything I say is speculation, but, but it certainly doesn't bode well for the future of Strike Fighters. I can't imagine a company letting high profile mainstream properties like Wizardry and Jagged Alliance drop, but investing further in a flight sim. I'd like to hear T.K.'s comments, if he is free to comment.






1st off sorry to hear about the development teams being let go that sucks!


My hopes and beliefs are, that this will in no way effect the patch.



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