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As the title says offroading, I found a file at flightsim.com that I found to be fun. Made for FS98 and modded fo CFS it works well enough in FS9. The file is called "closecom" and it contains a Hummer and a Jeep. The both have a 2D panel and a VC. Both are great to cruise the local airfield or take a drive downtown. As I have the scenery for NAS Fallon and the SAM sites in Dixie Valley, I can check out the range at ground level and get a better view of the flightline.

I'll post some shots when I get a chance.

As for performance I can get the Hummer up to about 65-70 mph. Just put in a Merlin sound package so I hope it'll sound better than a C172.

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Man, I was wondering when someone would finally get a hummer out. I used to use one wy back in CFS1, it was awesome. Now we just need a Dodge Viper RT-10...

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I think this is the same Hummer. I was just curious and tried it out and found it works. The guns and crew wont show but thats fine with me.


I found it at flightsim.com and the file name is



Like I said I 'm going to get some screen shots some time soon.

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Okay, a few screen shots to give you an idea of how different the point of view is,

these were taken on the range at Dixie Valley and NAS Fallon. The scenery is fron the Virtual Navy's scenery page. If you want to see your NAS's come to life add these.


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Fighter country,

on the real air station this is the arming area, know as the Revets. If I can figure out how to do it, I'm going to model some of the NAS's that I was at as close to the real thing as possible.

Edited by firehawkordy

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Last of the flight line photos,

the Agressor line, note the flight line safety violation, GSE in the safety diamond. The model might be promitive but if you are inside who cares? There is a Hummer model done in GMAX that just came out, I really have to learn to use the GMAX program that came with FS9.

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