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Persian Gulf Terrain

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Some glitches I found:


Bandar Abbas Int'l needs flattinging


on cities that use the 'large urban module', items ~312 to 320 are missing their Heading= line (ran into this MANY times, before I stoppped using it .. prefer to use buildings in TODs


I DO like where this terrain is going!! (love the snow capped mountains in the Zagros!)


You'e given me a lot of ideas for the Iran/Iraq map rebuild. Now, the only question is -- am I too lazy to create 60-70 new road tiles for it??? (and thereby have to plot the actual paths for truck along said roads for the truck routes for the Movement.ini?? Did that for Korea, and it's a PITA!!!! :suicide2: )



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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I will check out Bandar Abbas International again. I removed it since the last beta 2km to south to bring it more to the real position. Will see how to solve this problem. While my first tests i had no problems. But i will take a look on it.


Thanks also for finding the heading bug on Bandar Abbas City. Will check this too.


Road tiles i have made for the desert tiles only. To bridging shorter ways of farmland i use the long taxiway. Its 500 meters x 20 meters and fits to the roadtiles. But this is only usable at absolutly flat terrain. I saw 2 or 3 times that it does not work properly on Persion gulf terrain, so that i removed it at some places. I hope, that i have not missed some.

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Are you sure with Bandar Abbas International flattening? I just finished an half hour of crossing over Bandar Abbas run and taxiways with a F-16A. Was all fine.

Could it be, that you mean an other airport?

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I've been wrong before! I could be wrong now!! :rofl:


I've found that vBridge3 (and the vBridge3End) fits quite nicely across almost all river tiles. The main span is ~100 meters in length, and the ends ~50. But like all the other, needs a flat region. As do the vBridge 1 and 2. They're all the same size



kevin stein

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