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Mig-21 Complete Pack SF2 ALL 1.7 Help needed

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I have SF2 WOV, WOE, WOI merged install patched to latest WOI 2 Patch. I downloaded the great Mig-21 Complete Pack SF2 ALL 1.7 last month and installed it easy breezy. Loved it and flew allot of missions on the dark side. But I installed another mod and it messed up the whole game so I went to my C:\USER \NAME \Saved Games folder and deleted thirdwire getting rid of my whole install and starting from scratch.


Started all four sims seperately so that they would have a saved games folder for each sim and followed install directions to the letter 3 times!!! Yet even know the Mig's are in my folders with proper cockpits and INI's when I launch the Sim they dont show up at all. I am Stumped and assumed the game overwrite the modded Migs for stock but when I check folders they are fine.


I put Aircraft in the objects aircraft folder for all four sims under my saved games thirdwire menu and the other files in there proper place but its a no go. I have spent the better part of two hours re-installing and double checking to no avail.


Can anybody please explain why the sim isn't seeing the Aircraft?

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Upon further inspection it appears the Aircraft config file gets over written with the stock TW file. Cant figure out why??

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You keep saying WoE, WoV, WoI, as well as SF2.


For clariification, WHICH games are we really talking about? 1stGEn Wo*s or SF2*s??? It'll help narrow down the problem!


Also, in SF2 series, anytime the mods folder (the one in the /SavedGames is deleted), and the game exes are run again, NEW mods folders are created, 'restoring' the game to stock (meaning: none flyable AI birds).


Best thing to do is back up the mods folders (any and all), thereby saving any changes. Then, it's a simple reanme or moving of already edited files


More info here, in our handy-dandy, ever ignored Knowledge Base:





kevin stein

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Hello Freiwillige,


wild guessing here but after having spent a whole afternoon reinstalling things, I can only understand your feeling and I must try to help you.


In the mod folder, could you please check that the Options.ini file have the correct path in the [Mods] section and that "ModsEnabled" is set to TRUE ?


Then, in the .INI file of the aicraft that are bogging you, please check that the "AircraftDataFile=" leads to the correct file.


Good luck!


Edit: Ouch, just been Wrenched

Edited by FrankD

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You keep saying WoE, WoV, WoI, as well as SF2.


For clariification, WHICH games are we really talking about? 1stGEn Wo*s or SF2*s??? It'll help narrow down the problem!


Also, in SF2 series, anytime the mods folder (the one in the /SavedGames is deleted), and the game exes are run again, NEW mods folders are created, 'restoring' the game to stock (meaning: none flyable AI birds).


Best thing to do is back up the mods folders (any and all), thereby saving any changes. Then, it's a simple reanme or moving of already edited files


More info here, in our handy-dandy, ever ignored Knowledge Base:





kevin stein


Sorry Kevin I thought the first line in my first post was more understandable. I have all four series 2 sims in a merged install and patched with the latest Israel 2 patch.


As far as deleting the mods folders and starting the sim remaking them I understand that and in fact that is what I was attempting to do as a start fresh approach.

That way just installing the Mig pack fresh it would limit the variable's and help me identify the problem.


So starting all the exicutables creats new mod folders in user\name\saved games\thirdwire folder. Check!

Install mod into all four game folders per instructions and in the proper place. Check!

Start sim to find Migs...fail!

Inspect files only to find Aircraft config overwritten everytime with stock TK file.



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did you edit the main ini? (example: Mig-17F.ini), re-adding the cockpitdatafile= lines?, and any avionics pointers (I gotta ask, just to be sure)


without the pointers added, they won't show on flyable list


(note: mine are sllightly different, to due to avionics mods)



AircraftFullName=MiG-17F Fresco-C





CockpitDataFile=Mig17_Cockpit.ini <----

AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll <----

AvionicsDataFilename=MIG-19_avionics.ini <---




kevin stein

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did you edit the main ini? (example: Mig-17F.ini), re-adding the cockpitdatafile= lines?, and any avionics pointers (I gotta ask, just to be sure)


without the pointers added, they won't show on flyable list


(note: mine are sllightly different, to due to avionics mods)



AircraftFullName=MiG-17F Fresco-C





CockpitDataFile=Mig17_Cockpit.ini <----

AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll <----

AvionicsDataFilename=MIG-19_avionics.ini <---




kevin stein


Yes the mod actually has a correct version of the Aircraft.ini in it and when I install it overwrites the TW version. But when I play the sim and go back and check its the TW version again.


Even if I copy and paste the proper info it just overwrites it upon game start with TW version again.


I tried renaming the MOD Mig folders but even then the TW file overwrites the modded install and the main aircraft INI. loses all the viable info needed. I'm stumped as to why.

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What about turning the incriminated files and the mod folder to Read Only?

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What about turning the incriminated files and the mod folder to Read Only?


Never thought of that. Its just might work! Ill let you know.

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Well it was just so stupid that it just might work and it did! Thanks guys for all your assistance on this issue since it was driving me batty. This is a great site with good people!!! Thanks again! Salute!!

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Glad to read that you got rid of that dürüm.


Happy new year and be safe ;)

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