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World War 1 sim happenings:

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Sadly, I've been out of the loop for a while here... Tending to real life things and lots of work, plus things to-do on my side of the simming world (SDOE/FS-WWI). So here's what I know!


Rise of Flight: The next aircraft to be released will be the Gotha. Progress looks far along and the community is expecting a release "soon", probably a few weeks to a monthish away. After this, the next aircraft focused for being released will be the DFW C.V and Breguet 14. Also, this next Patch for Rise of Flight is expected to have the new campaign mode! This has all of us very very excited. :cool:




Over Flanders Fields: Phase 4 is well underway with many new screenshots being posted almost weekly. Cockpits are being reworked, as well as the manager. It has also been stated that they want to focus on more early-war types and 2-seaters.




Freeware hobbyist-developed ww1 game: This has probably been posted on other forums, but it was announced at SimHQ in the General WW1 sim section that a basic OpenGL based WW1 sim/game is being developed independently. For more details about this, see this thread at SimHQ: Freeware WW1 game thread at SimHQ




SDOE's FS-WWI: While progress from myself has stalled, LesterBoffo from the Targetware side of the simming world has introduced many new pre-WW1 models and even some WW1 aircraft. He and I are planning a Pioneering Flight add-on to FS-WWI focusing on pre-WW1 aircraft and an airfield. Progress on this front can be seen here at Open Plane Sim: Pioneering Flight add-on at OpenPlaneSim.com Also on this front, I have been squashing a few bugs here and there, and plan on a Plane Pack 6 and/or Plane Pack 5 Patch 2 sometime late this next year/early 2012.




Targetware Richthofen's Skies: Back in August Mossie announced that he was back and doing very detailed modeling for the Fokker series of aircraft (The E.III, D.VII and D.VIII). This will be for the "Targetware 2.0" engine, with no set release as far as I know at the moment. I do know it will feature a new rendering engine, much improved terrain and physics modeling, and support for newer DX features.




Well that's about all I know! Any here care to chime in? :grin:

Edited by ArgonV

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