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Well with the new year I upgraded to Win 7 64 so I will now use that upgrade to Max 2011 I got from my Bro . Anyone have this installed ? ups ? downs ?

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I cannot confirm that, but i think one major down is the missing TW exporter, isn´t it? :blink:

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I cannot confirm that, but i think one major down is the missing TW exporter, isn´t it? :blink:


errr yep :yikes:

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I'll vouch for Win 7 in that it's just nice and relatively trouble-free.

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Yep going to have to wait to export Ill just have a dual install for now...See below


Re: Next Exporter- Max2011

by TK » Tue Dec 14, 2010 10:19 am



Yeah, I know its a terrible situtation... but unfortunately, the latest max version we have is 2009, so thats the version of exporter we'll continue to use. If we do upgrade our max version to the latest, we'll do a new exporter, but we don't see us doing that anytime soon tho...






Edited by Veltro2k

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