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[i am an asian, and I can not speak English well. please understand this.]


I'm in truble. Somekinds of thridwire game community requested me making 1950's Korean war mod. I downloaded every object i can find.(I will scribe all moder I shoud thanks after mod makes up.)

But I can't solve terrain problem. I am newbee in moding. I am learning How to use TK' TE. and I realized I have to get 'dem files'. but I don't know how to get it!

I found some articles had links, but That links all dead. like this...




where can i find it?


Please you cool and nice guys. Help me.

Edited by Bearwolf

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Actually, I wouldn't bother with trying to make a Korea terrain ... It's already been done (3 times, actually).


There's the original version from 2004-ish, Spectre8750's Modern Korea mod, and this still-in-progress 96.8% Historically Accurate ™ version we of the KAW team are working on. I should know -- I built the terrain. And targetized it. We're waiting on certain game issues (for SF2 only it will be) to be fixed, and several aircraft to be finished.


Not to burst your bubble; but there no need to reinvent the wheel.


Other than that...Welcome!



kevin stein

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Thank you Baltika. I'm already knew that site and, only thing I can find is E100N40. I need all Korea, Japan, east china terrain.


Thank you too Wrench. I knew 2004 and Spectre 8750.

First one has some kinds of bug(or intended). It can't see Air base. just grassy filed. and citys too.

Spectre8750's version is good, but it based on modern korea. At 1950, korea was like countryside. Ethiopia was richer country at that time.

Actually I am trying modifing this one. I send mail to Spectre8750 for permission, Dem file, and Texturelist.ini.


If i have time, I will wait KAW team's version. I really expect your words. But I have no time.

I have to go military service soon. My motherland is conscript nation, and this military service is very closed and narrow. I can't use computer at military, so I can't keep doing my work.


Is KAW team's work will be finish soon?

Edited by Bearwolf

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Sorry, not for several months, probably. But it is 1950s, 4-seasons version.


Good luck in the military!



kevin stein

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Thank you Baltika. I'm already knew that site and, only thing I can find is E100N40. I need all Korea, Japan, east china terrain.



Hi Bearwolf,


I think we can help each other out here. 2 points:-


1. TE has the capability to import terrain from a number of different DEM files. So, if you download e100n40, e100n90, e140n90 & e140n40 from the ESGS/EROS site, then specify the latitude & longitude you want in TE, TE will import all the pieces it needs from the different DEM files and stich them together into a new map. So, you should be able to get all the DEM info you need from that site.


2. Like Wrench says, there is no need to re-invent the wheel, that is, have different people doing the same work over & over. Take a look at this thread, at post #11:




You will see I have built a WIP Far East map which covers the whole area you are interested in, I think. It has not progressed much since I released the Kamchatka preview nearly a year ago, because my focus shifted to Iceland terrain.


Also, it was not my intention to develop Korea on this map at least at first, my focus being on Japan & Russia. You can see from the picture the airbases etc I have plotted. Also, it became apparant that the KAW mod is going to be fabulous and there seemed little point in spending time on what could only ever be a poor second (or third, or fourth best, given the various Korea terrains available!)


If you like, I can send this over to you if you want to use it as a basis for developing your own Korea terrain. Be warned, the tileset is based on Deuces GermanyCE repaint, so may not suit Korea very well. Also, there has been virtually no targetisation work done on this terrain. It is really more of an alpha than a beta right now. All I ask is a namecheck in the credits, and return permission to incorporate your Korea target list in the whole Far East map if I ever get round to finishing it :blink:


Best wishes on your conscription :salute:







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