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...a little question.

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Hello, All.




Just a quick quiestion. Does anybody know of the A-7H's munitions capability, as opposed to other Corsairs? Input is much appreciated.






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prolly be the same as any other NATO equiped airforce, using US equipment. Save a hell of a lot of time in editing loadouts! <grin>


(btw, if you look at the A-7E's Userlist, Greece is listed)



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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actually rethinking this....


I'd use the D, as it has the 3-tone, and just use ini edits to recreate the H. Adjusting service years, engine specs, avionics, etc. Looking over each individual skin bmp, they're mapped identically. (but you've probably figured that out already!)


Dial in the correct decal placements, etc, and you can create it with a minimal amount of files to upload.

Using all stock, in-game stuff from a full-4 merged install.



kevin stein

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...sounds like a plan. :good:






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