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BiA Multiplayer

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sounds like they are experiencing MAJOR lag and are telling everyone how to deal with it.Guess that helps with buy or not to buy decision.

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Unfortunately, BIA will not be on my BUY list either.


I'm so swamped with FPS Combat sims, that one more might make me explode. I'd be happy to review the game if I can get a preview copy. Usually preiews do not include multiplay modes however. I was really enthusiastic about doing a review of DoomIII, but when I got to MP, and learned how bad it was, I put the game on the shelf....haven't played it since.


There are 2 types of gamers. Those that play for the SP, and those that play for the MP. DoomIII is geared more towards SP....so is FarCry, but at least FarCry's Mulitplayer isn't bad at all IMHO. I've played Call Of Duty in multiplayer, and I wasn't to dissappointed. BIA should be much like COD. Will it be as smooth as COD? Who's to say.


I prefer Americas Army over all of them at the moment. Pure MP, great simulation, excellent servers.


But, now I've just purchased Half-Life 2. A game that expands on one of the better MP games of it's era. I'm gonna get most of the way thru SP, and then dabble in some MP once my account goes thru. If the physics and animations are anything like they are in SP, I may be a LOOOOONNNNGGG time before I see my next honor level in AAO.




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I guess I should update... when I originally posted that, I thought Handy_Randy was Randy Pitchford, the developer. However, I've seen some of that guys other posts, and there is NO WAY that is the developer, unless he feels like he needs to screw his project and company over. So take that with a grain of salt.

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