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Help with my new terrain

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I have tried to modify some of the terrains so they lock more accurate. please see the pics although I have modified all the tiles I still get the old one and that is only the see line or the rivers . do I need to convert all the .tag files after I modified them back to tag or this is something else that i am missing? I have all the bitmap set to 1024/1024


I am using the game Desert terrains and I have modified them with my map and the one form DS (all the thanks to the maker and I am only using it for my work only)




Edited by Wrench

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Yes i did it bouth way with and without as i only repainted the old one

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Sea and river tiles are made in tga format. If you has only changed the bmp files you will see no effect in game. You must convert them into tga format.

To do this is relativly easy. open the bmp file and the old tga file with Paint program. then copy the bmp and paste it into the tga. then save it.

Should work.

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that screenie shows 2 mix-match of Polak sea/desert transitons and some other tile inland!!! It would be a really good idea NOT to mix tile sets. You'll have to create new tiles to match whatever the base set (DS) is. (in this case, Polak's desert). Ran into the same problem with the Iran/Iraq map -- had to create 8-12 new tiles


this might help too:




on creating the alpha channel for the sea/land transitions.


Rule Of Thumb:


all tiles in TE are bmps. that's all it can read (maximum size of 256x256)


tiles in the Terrain folder, are both bmp and tga (if you want working water). TGAs are used anywhere there's water. And dont forget the *tilename*_hm.bmp (height map for water effect)



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Thanks for your support my friends I Will take your comment and hint in my work.



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