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I Made A Mess Of OFF

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Well it finally happened, OFF became corrupted. So me being who I am, I decided on a complete reinstall and I removed CFS3 via Control Manager,Programs and Features. I then deleted the 2 OFF folders. So far so good. Now it was time to reinstall. I followed the procedure on the Over Flanders Fields website. RATS!! I could get to the field but then it would not proceed. I then read the proper way to uninstall CFS3 so I tried that, then another reinstall. Double rats, still would not run. I then read somewhere that due to an improper uninstall there were some registry issues. So in an act of desparation I tried 2 programs that we use at work to repair registry problems. They are:

"Eusing Free Registry Cleaner" available here,




and "IObit Advanced System Care Free3" available here.




I installed both and ran them, then did the reinstall again, and to my amazement OFF ran like a charm.

Of course had I read Uncle Al's tricks and tips a bit more carefully I could have save myself a lot of anguish not mention time.

Anyway the two programs seemed to work for me, your mileage may vary.



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Next time, try "Reset OFF Manager", and if that didn't help, try "Reset CFS 3".

One of those was often all I had to do.

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Not a fan of registry editors..there are so many baaaaad ones out there...That said, glad it worked for you :good:

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Normally I would heartily agree with you Widowmaker, but in this case we use both of these on a daily basis at the shop I work in, and have never had an adverse reaction. Mind you they don't always fix the problems that we encounter but they have never harmed anything in the 2+ years that we have been using them. ASC actually has a restore function, but we've never had to use it that I can remember.



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