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Brown vs The Red Baron

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What kind of order does MvR receive here, and from whom?

The old man seems to be wearing an Austrian uniform?

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The metal's vertical shape, with wings, looks like the Order of the Iron Crown, the highest-ranking Austrian order actually awarded to the German hero, received on August 8, 1917. That means the old man can't be Kaiser Franz-Josef, died in 1916. Nonetheless, the ribbon is quite different (the actual one being blue and gold), and the Baron received the 3rd Class, a breast ribbon, not a neckband. I don't think that he ever received an Austrian decoration with neckband. Not the only mistake, of course, as Richthofen died before the operational delivery of the Fokker D.VII seen here.

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Captaine Vengeur, it does look a bit like the Order of the Iron Cross but without the banner on the bottom stem of the cross. Of couse as you have noted, MvR never received such an award anyway. I'm betting it is what ever the props man had handy when they were shooting the scene. Probably something like the Royal Order of Cracker Jacks. :grin:



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