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Calling Hinchbrooke!

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I'm tring to determine if the Cavalier (C class DD) is fully yours, in this form, and NOT a full DAT product as I'd first believed (in the screenie below, of the /Cavalier folder).


All the 'style' of the texture naming conventions matches all your other ships, and below is a copy of the ReadMe:

(email addy editing for internet security reasons) This txt is dated 1/20/2005, and is attached for those of a more legal-mind to examine.


HMS Cavalier (D73). "C(Ca)" Class destroyer.


Model/texture: Hinchinbrooke

Help/Hosting: Gramps

Data.ini Advice: Capun


The war standard "C" class (constructed at the end of WWII) was made up of 4 sub-groups (names beginning with Ca, Ch, Co and Cr). Completed in 1944, Cavalier escorted Arctic convoys and saw action off Norway. In 1945, after the end of the war in Europe, she joined the Pacific Fleet. In 1957, Squid anti-submarine mortars were fitted and she joined the Far East Fleet. In 1962 she saw action in Brunei in defense of the Sultan and his kingdom. In 1967 she patrolled Beira for the United Nations. Cavalier was decommissioned in 1972. She is preserved at Chatham's historic naval base.





1. Place the "Cavalier" folder into the "Objects" directory within SF.

2. Place the "Cavalier_data.ini" file into the "Objects" directory within SF.

3. Add these lines to the "groundobjectdata.ini" file (which needs to be extracted, using the extracting gizmo):


[Objectxxx]........"xxx" being the next number in sequence


ObjectFullName=HMS Cavalier



(see also Capun's visual guide on installation, posted on the SimHQ forum).




Please do not distribute or post without previous consent.

All copyrights reserved and no modifications are to be made without prior consent.



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If this IS totally yours, as can be infered from the above, I don't see any reason why it cant be uploaded as is, giving us another small destroyer for use. Unfortunately, I don't see your name in the Freeware Listing, so am requesting permissions, etc.

(on a side note, I need to modify it to 'stand in' for the USCG HEC -it's passably close enough! Hence, this request for confirmation). I know there hasn't been a problem before with making mods of you ships, but just want to make sure (as I am the High Priest of the Temple of CYA)





kevin stein

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Yes, although very old and low poly, that one is mine. Gramps merely hosted when he had a website, way back when.

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So, ok to upload??



kevin stein

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