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Cat Extractor Help Needed

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I need some help with the Cat extractor. I'm running Windows 7, the extractor is is installed in C:\Weaponeditor. The problem is when I go to extract a file it says "Files Extracted" to where ever the cat file is. But when I go to the folder, nothing's been extracted. Any solutions?

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Oops, Problem solved. It just didn't have permission to extract files to the "Program Files" folder. So stupid of me not to think of that.

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it works MUCH better, expecially in Vista/7, if you DO NOT have the extrator exe (and the folder it resides in) in any of /Program Files folder. Mine is actually on the Desktop, in it's own folder (this is obviously for Skypat's original extractor, and not Gerwin's)


Place them at the ROOT of the C/, and as I mentioned, in it's own seperate folder.


Also, it's really advisable NOT to install the ANY of the 1stGen games to the default /Program Files or Program Files (x86) folders, but also to the root of C/. If installed in the Program Files folder, you'll probably find you can't make any edits to any of the inis (this is covered somwhere in the Knowledge Base, I just don't remember where!)


Done this way, you needn't worry about permissions issues



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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