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Question about campaign and ground object.

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I'm in final work of my 'Korean war on 1950' campaign.


and... I want add a lots of ground unit like real one.

For example in 25.6.1950 North korea army were 120k men, 242tanks, 160 SPGs.

so I edit campaign_date.ini. 1 north korea infantry div have 2418 infantry object.


resultingly, I added about 50k ground objects. Actually, it is not end.


If one campaign mission use just units it need, I think it will be ok.

But If one campaing mission use every units, It will be really heavy game.


I don't know how it works. please some one advise me.



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Hello Bearwolf,


here's an answer that might give you an hint:


(...) things NOT in the area to be flow over, will not be added.


HOWEVER..this is a small caveat:


terrain objects (as opposed to ground objects) will always be there, as they're automatically pulled from the terrain cat. Terrain objects are defined as, for the most part, buildings and such. (the various city buildings, generators, evil-damn-commbuildings, warehouses, etc. Anything that is NOT in the GroundObject folder, but in the terrain folder or pulled for a cat).


Ground objects have a 50km radius at which they spawn/despawn. So, no real worries with them (I've actually watched it happen!)





kevin stein

http://combatace.com...th-to-diminish/ Good luck with your campaign.


Edited by FrankD

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