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Ive owned this game ever since it came out. I had it on my shelf for ages because I didnt have a good enough computer to actually run. Well now that I do it still doesnt run with a decent framerate. One would think that after all these years a game that is this old would run on all settings set to high.

I only have the original Lock On. Havent purchased Flaming Cliffs addon. Do you guys know if this expansion pack optimizes the code or changes it in any way so it actually runs better? Even when i lower some of the settings i get horrible fps when i am flying low. Horrible for me is 15-23 fps.




Q6600 @ 3.2Ghz




Thank you.

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The only idea I might offer would be to go with 6gb of ram, since Win7 will use all of it, unlike Vista/XP.


Not sure about fps, in LOMAC. I have A-10C, and it runs okay with max settings on my rig. :dntknw:


Win7 x64


6gb ram


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Well, FPS get low because of the clock speeds more than because of the memory sizes (if it gets full, it won't run at all). If your game gets screwed with that specs, try updating all drivers, make sure the GPU is in the PCI Express X16 Slot and all that stuff. If it keeps running like crap, it must be the game's fault. Some engines can't be boosted past a limit. Also try compatibility settings, especially on a x64 system.

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FC helped a bit. I would hope the DCS titles would do even better. I refuse to use internet activation DRM so I would not know.


Turn off heat blur and mirrors. Set effects to none. Crank down the water setting. Pull in your horizon distance.


My personal opinion is that LOMAC was not optimized very well.

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Hii guys!

Thank you for your help. I actually took a leap of faith and purchased FC2 and like magic it fixed all of my problems. I did not change anything on my pc. No driver updates, nothing (although i always have the latest)

Now i get 40fps down in the bush and above 70 up high and this is with all the settings on high. I guess they did optimize the code somewhat in FC2.


Thanks once again for your time. =)

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