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Off phase 3 preowned

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Hi guys,im a new forum member,so please excuse me if this has been written before,i have currently got phase 2 installed and ive recieved

some excellent feedback about phase 3,i was wondering if theres anywhere where i can get phase 3 preowned ,at a

reasonable price,i know you should allways support the developers,and i allways have,id never resort to piracy,i live in the united kingdom

and Off phase 3 is goin 2 set me back £25 inc postage,any help would be much apprieciated,many,many thanks.

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That's like asking other people you meet in a desert, if they give you their water flask. :grin:

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thanks very much for your advice uncleal,i think il be ordering in the morning,just asking but how would you rate OFF P3 against other sims

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Rating OFF3 against other sims... well, pretty damn highly I'd say. Other sims, and I can't fathom why, don't do dynamic historical campaigns like Flanders Fields does. IL-2 has an amazing flight model, no doubt, but its scripted and small scale missions always grate me. I have fun with it but it's not what I look for. I feel the same way about Rise of Flight. I always feel like I'm flying a flight sim, a damn good one though, whereas Flanders Fields puts me into the life of this virtual World War 1 pilot I created.


OFF is closest to Red Baron 3D. Did you play that one? Flanders Fields in my head is the direct descendant.


The only other flight sim I enjoy as much as Flanders is Battle of Britain Wings of Victory over at A2A. A2A is just a great company for one and do amazing work and the simulation is brilliant with the most epic air battles around. That's the way the Battle of Britain was though, and it depicts it perfectly. It doesn't have a campaign like OFF's where you fly as one pilot, rather you act more like Dowding or maybe Keith Park commanding the RAF defenses / Luftwaffe raids. That turns some people off but I enjoy it.


But like I said, it's a different animal than OFF, and not just because of the subject matter. The closest thing to Flanders Fields is Red Baron 3D, which I loved. For the life of me I can't understand why more flight sims don't do dynamic campaigns, instead of following the IL-2 model. Maybe the IL-2 model is what most people like? I don't know. I enjoy IL-2, I honestly do, and I like Rise of Flight, have lots of fun flying those planes around and they're modeled excellently. But since there's no depth beyond that they're basically just any other awesome game, which means I play and have fun before getting bored after a week or two and moving onto something else.


Whereas OFF, like RB3D before it, I just keep on playing... honestly, I would freaking love it if they did a flight sim like this for WW2. Dynamic Pacific campaign. Someday...

Edited by Javito1986

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All other sims felt like games to me. OFF feels like WW1 air war.

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thanks javito1986 for your feedback,ive put an order in for OFF phase 3 i,never played red baron,and i totally agree with you about il2,i tryed rise of flight

only the demo mind,and didnt like it,i want to say a massive thanks to everybody who has awnsered any of my questions today,ive only been on this forum

as of today,and i must say all you guys are the most frendliest people ive ever come across on any forum thank you all again,and il see you up there soon :salute:


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And that was all, before we have even flown together!

But let's come back to the drinks you promised to buy: I'll have a big virtual Warsteiner!

I'll show you to the mess...

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Just be careful when you first cross the Line. Herr Olham is friendly enough on the ground, but high in the empty blue he hangs out at 18,000 and feasts on new pilots for breakfast drinks.gif

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The Bordeauxred Baron: "Vott a nice compliment, Herr Javito! Mmuahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!!"

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Glad to hear you ordered it. You won't regret it. It's true that no other WWI flight sim has a dynamic campaign like OFF. Nobody else has as much historically accurate stuff crammed into their sim either.


As for a pre-owned OFF:BH&H, I don't think you'll see any of those until Phase 4 comes out. And even then, probably not many.


Welcome aboard. Stay high over the front. Watch your fuel gauge. Check your 6 constantly and don't forget to lead your target. You'll do fine. All two weeks...



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Welcome from a Fellow Brit Adger71...


I have said this before, and I echo the guys here, when I say that once you have fallen in love with OFF...she will be your one true lady for life!....This is not a game...it's not even a Simulator...it's a time machine to a different place!...enjoy the ride m8! :drinks:

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