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aEverything installed well including OFF: H&H, HitR and joystick with all patches. Did a quick free flight starting at 5,000ft on the RAF F.E.2.b. Cruised around for about 30 minutes and got used to the joystick. F8 switched positions to various gunners and fired some shots...felt good. Let my almost 4 year old fly for a little while...she loves rolling and spinning...I thought the wings were going to fall off.


Had a pretty good landing in a field reducing throttle to about 50% as the wheels hit the ground then slowly reducing to 10% as I just kept rolling...seemed like it would never stop rolling. I had to make my initial touchdown between some tress as the landing area wasn't all that long. A little heavy forward on the stick as I descended a small hill then ground rose again - drove my nose into the ground a bit and Roland "Bulldog" Taylor's first flight will end with a nice 22 day stint in the hospital with serious injuries....sorry old chap.


:grin: This is what I look like right now...grinning ear-to-ear and inspired by my first experience. That was so awesome and I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about.


I still need to get my stick and all the buttons configured. I really had no idea where anything was but I just started hitting some keys and figured some things out. F1 or F2? gives some in-flight instructions and that was helpful. My new CPU arrived today as well but I'm going to play some dogfights just to get a sense of how my current rig handles things graphically. I'm assuming a dogfight will be a good determining factor as to how my rig handles this game. Right now I have most of my settings on 4 with just clouds on 3...it looks pretty good in my opinion but I'll give it a few days to make a final determination.

Edited by Shiloh

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The main enemy of a Pilot is the ground and in OFF this is a truth.

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Let my almost 4 year old fly for a little while...she loves rolling and spinning...I thought the wings were going to fall off.

Hahaha - on an Albatros D.III or D.V; or on a Nieuport, they would have.


Had a pretty good landing in a field reducing throttle to about 50% as the wheels hit the ground then slowly reducing to 10% as I just kept rolling...seemed like it would never stop rolling.

You can come in low with about 50% throttle with most planes, and pull back to 10% right at touchdown.

With the heavy SPAD XIII, I even cut magnetto, cause she will roll to the hangar anyway.


:grin: This is what I look like right now...grinning ear-to-ear and inspired by my first experience.

That was so awesome and I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about.



I still need to get my stick and all the buttons configured.

You will find, that you can change any buttons and commands to your likes.

You need to create an additional assignment first - then you can delete the old one.

It may take some time and trying, until you know, what you put on the stick buttons,

and where to put the rest.


But now, let's go to the mess - I feel that you are in a cheery mood, so: why not buy us a drink?


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But now, let's go to the mess - I feel that you are in a cheery mood, so: why not buy us a drink?



Round on me for all fliers....:drinks: and then off to my first combat...wish me luck!

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Okay, I keep my fingers crossed! What will be your first plane to fly into combat?

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aEverything installed well including OFF: H&H, HitR and joystick with all patches. Did a quick free flight starting at 5,000ft on the RAF F.E.2.b. Cruised around for about 30 minutes and got used to the joystick. F8 switched positions to various gunners and fired some shots...felt good. Let my almost 4 year old fly for a little while...she loves rolling and spinning...I thought the wings were going to fall off.


Had a pretty good landing in a field reducing throttle to about 50% as the wheels hit the ground then slowly reducing to 10% as I just kept rolling...seemed like it would never stop rolling. I had to make my initial touchdown between some tress as the landing area wasn't all that long. A little heavy forward on the stick as I descended a small hill then ground rose again - drove my nose into the ground a bit and Roland "Bulldog" Taylor's first flight will end with a nice 22 day stint in the hospital with serious injuries....sorry old chap.


:grin: This is what I look like right now...grinning ear-to-ear and inspired by my first experience. That was so awesome and I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about.


I still need to get my stick and all the buttons configured. I really had no idea where anything was but I just started hitting some keys and figured some things out. F1 or F2? gives some in-flight instructions and that was helpful. My new CPU arrived today as well but I'm going to play some dogfights just to get a sense of how my current rig handles things graphically. I'm assuming a dogfight will be a good determining factor as to how my rig handles this game. Right now I have most of my settings on 4 with just clouds on 3...it looks pretty good in my opinion but I'll give it a few days to make a final determination.


Congrats, Shiloh - you've done really well. :clapping:


"Interesting" choice of the Fee!

Presume you've read Bullethead's pilot's guide for that craft over on the 'survival in the air' sub-forum (?) Its one of the trickier craft to land (some would also say, to fly!!). I suspect the main reason you ended in hospital is the little front wheel in its rather unique 'tricycle' landing gear - it's not good on hills (!) - and that's regardlees of your heavy or otherwise stick input. Perhaps a better way to whoa it down in future would be to kill the engine (ie switch-off completely, not just throttled back) as soon as you touch down. (uncleal has a how-to for this under general help - using the 'B' key on the keyboard).


Can't fault your logic of taking the Fee into combat if you reckon on having your hands full just flying the plane (!) and you consciously want to leave the shooting to someone else. It's certainly in a class of its own in that regard.


Looking forward to hearing how you go.

- oh, and I'll have that Laphraoig tonight thank you kindly!


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Okay, I keep my fingers crossed! What will be your first plane to fly into combat?



Congrats, Shiloh - you've done really well. :clapping:


"Interesting" choice of the Fee!

Presume you've read Bullethead's pilot's guide for that craft over on the 'survival in the air' sub-forum (?) Its one of the trickier craft to land (some would also say, to fly!!). I suspect the main reason you ended in hospital is the little front wheel in its rather unique 'tricycle' landing gear - it's not good on hills (!) - and that's regardlees of your heavy or otherwise stick input. Perhaps a better way to whoa it down in future would be to kill the engine (ie switch-off completely, not just throttled back) as soon as you touch down. (uncleal has a how-to for this under general help - using the 'B' key on the keyboard).


Can't fault your logic of taking the Fee into combat if you reckon on having your hands full just flying the plane (!) and you consciously want to leave the shooting to someone else. It's certainly in a class of its own in that regard.


Looking forward to hearing how you go.

- oh, and I'll have that Laphraoig tonight thank you kindly!



My first dogfight I flew the Sopwith Triplane (Twin Guns) with 1 wingman against 2 Albatross DII. I got behind one of the DII's for more than a minute but couldn't shoot him down. I used all but 21 rounds then later when I ran out of ammunition, I landed safely to end the mission.


Next I flew the RAF F.E.2.b? (I think that's what I flew) with 1 wingman against 2 Albatross DII. My wingman shot them both down so I landed safely to end mission.


The 3rd mission I flew the SE5a Wolseley Viper against the Albatross DVa 200. I had 3 wingmen against 3 total Albatross. It was a long fight and I got behind a few of them but couldn't shoot anyone down. I believe my wingmates shot them all down as there were no red blips on radar so I landed safely to end mission


Because I liked the Viper so much, I used it again with 3 wingmen against 3 Fokker Dr.1's. They put up a real good scrap and the fight lasted 30 minutes or more. I was able to get behind one of them and got him smoking pretty bad and the last I saw of him he was flying erratically and low away from the battle. Maybe he went down? I had a real hard time keeping the Fokkers in my sights as they seem highly manueverable. They were able to shake me almost every time and I couldn't keep behind them. I kept having to drop my airspeed as I was zipping past them so that made it doubly tough. I believe they shot down my wingmates then it was just me against 2 of them. I did a pretty good job I thought fighting the 2 for about 15 minutes or so until finally they did enough damage to my plane that I went into 2 different spins that I was able to pull out of. Finally my plane gave out and starting dropping steadily. I almost landed her safe but because I landed at a bit of an angle she cartwheeled and my pilot was seriously injured. I did record some of the fight on Fraps so if it looks good I may post it to my YouTube page.


Thanks Olham for the graphics settings guide. I followed it to a tee and my rig handled the game fine. I'm not sure what's going to happen when there's a lot more planes on the screen but we'll see. I tried to install my CPU but my MB needs a BIOS update and I couldn't figure out how to do it.Overall this is a blast and I think I'm ready for a drink so if someone wants to buy me a brew. :drinks:


I feel good that I was able to survive 4 missions without getting killed and I feel pretty confident about landing now. The one thing that was a huge challenge was not having my TrackIR. It's a real pain constantly F4 changing camera views to keep abreast at what's going on in the fight. I fought all on Rookie against Rookie AI.


This is awesome! I need to hang up my silk scarf for the night and get some work done but I'll put on my flying cap again tomorrow and hopefully my TrackIR arrives.

Edited by Shiloh

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Whoo - a big night indeed. I'm sure you've earned yourself a drink, Shiloh - name your poison. :drinks:


I'm really impressed you survived so well for someone who's never flown before. Great stuff!

Hope you get TrackIR up and running tomorrow - looks like you'll be all set for a HUGE OFF weekend! :grin:

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Whoo - a big night indeed. I'm sure you've earned yourself a drink, Shiloh - name your poison. :drinks:


I'm really impressed you survived so well for someone who's never flown before. Great stuff!

Hope you get TrackIR up and running tomorrow - looks like you'll be all set for a HUGE OFF weekend! :grin:


It was a lot of fun and scary at times. I felt my heart pumping pretty good when those 2 Fokkers were dodging in and out clouds and hunting me down. As you mentioned earlier I'll have to remember B to kill the engine. Warsteiner if you will...:drinks:



It's not adviseable you become too fond of the 'VIPER' as it didn't become available until 1918 and in campaign it means Boo Cou enemies, with some fairly advanced aircraft


Also you might benifit from reading this


Posted 01 August 2009 - 05:25:53 PM


WW1 Aircraft Gunnery


If you can't hit him, get closer before you Fire


How Do I aim?


For the most part you don't aim your guns...



This is really valuable thank you uncleal. :salute: When I damaged that Fokker I got up real close and when I wasted all my ammo on that Albatross I was too far away. Aim for the front 1/3 of the plane - I have to remember that. It's easy to like the Viper - she's so fast and I just like the way it handles. :flyer: I'll try and fly some earlier aircraft tomorrow that I'll be seeing in 1915-1916 so I can get used to them.

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Congrats to your survival on all that, Shiloh! Let me buy you a virtual beer.

You did everything right so far, as you were not shot down. Your own safety first;

you want to last. Later, you will find out about shooting an opponent down.

Will you get the TrackIR soon?

Edited by Olham

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That 'VIPER' is a varient of the SE5 the only difference is the sighting system. As early as Late 1916 the exact same SE5 existed but with the tube sighting system. It featured the same engine, the same twin guns, the same manuverability


It's just that some pilots didn't like the tube sight. It took a few years for the VIPER to be produced


Plus in 1917 the SE5 was vastly superior to anything the German's had


And you haven't really played yet, wait till you try the rockets ( they belong in WW2 ) but they are a kick, the SE5 only takes bombs, while all the German rigs have No secondary weapon


Suggest you read the Tips & Cheats STICKY in the Knowledge Base


PS . . .the info on WW1 Gunnery was a Cut and Paste from there . . #36 Actually


But over the years they became too huge for most folk to digest


ENTER: the index . . post #58 . . Makes Life easier on all concerned


Thanks uncleal! I read through much of that section and there is so much valuable information. I appreciate all the time you put into it.:good:



Congrats to your survival on all that, Shiloh! Let me buy you a virtual beer.

You did everything right so far, as you were not shot down. Your own safety first;

you want to last. Later, you will find out about shooting an opponent down.

Will you get the TrackIR soon?


Thanks Olham. :salute: Sgt. Roland "Bulldog" Taylor has 4 missions, .9 hours logged and is still breathing - wheeew!


I was watching The Red Baron (2008) release the other night and Richtofen said, "if I feel we can't win we run away" or something to that effect. That line may or may not be Hollywoodized but I won't forget it. I knew I was outclassed and outnumbered by those Fokkers so I was happy to survive that mission. You don't live to be a hero another day if you don't go with the odds and make the smart decisions to survive.


Hopefully I get my TrackIR today as it's a must in this sim as I'm finding out. One great victory for me yesterday: I told my wife about the sim and she's really into it too - she wants to fly some missions. Bodes well for clearance on future missions. :grin:

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Bodes well on future expendatures as well. Namely Rudder Pedals http://www.amazon.co...2276053&sr=1-15


and Throttle Control http://www.amazon.co...02276145&sr=1-7


on the throttle control reference Tips & Cheats #7 . .Salute.gif





I've already done the "historical video games provide immersion into history like nothing else can" pitch. I just need to stay away from the senseless first-person shooters and I should be able to fly at will. I'll keep those extras in mind but what I really want next is a good headset considering I need to mount my TrackIR, my current headset is crap, and I'll often be flying late at night when rat-tat-tat-tat-tat and explosions won't go over too well.:pilotfly: By the way, no TrackIR today which means I have to wait until Monday.

Edited by Shiloh

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"I knew I was outclassed and outnumbered by those Fokkers so I was happy to survive that mission"


Shiloh, as British football managers are wont to say - "the boy done good". I think I spent the first few weeks dying! WRT that fight with the Fokkers - well done for holding your own for so long, but you've already mentioned the way to avoid getting totaled by them: run away. The SE5a is an robust diver and, in any case, can outrun the Dr1 which I seem to recall is actually difficult to get to dive effectively (presumably those 3 wings buggered up the diving capabilities).


Enjoy 1915/16. Try it in a Pup for fun, a BE2c for a challenge...




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"I knew I was outclassed and outnumbered by those Fokkers so I was happy to survive that mission"


Shiloh, as British football managers are wont to say - "the boy done good". I think I spent the first few weeks dying! WRT that fight with the Fokkers - well done for holding your own for so long, but you've already mentioned the way to avoid getting totaled by them: run away. The SE5a is an robust diver and, in any case, can outrun the Dr1 which I seem to recall is actually difficult to get to dive effectively (presumably those 3 wings buggered up the diving capabilities).


Enjoy 1915/16. Try it in a Pup for fun, a BE2c for a challenge...





Thanks for the encouragement Si. :salute:


I found myself in the same situation last night as my 3 mates were shot down and it was me and 2 German fighters. I was in the Viper - I can't remember what they were flying. I was around 8,000ft and they were really low about 1,500ft. I figured if I zoomed down and took out one of them then it would be an even fight. I ended up tangling with them both and although I was able to get one in my sites, I have yet to achieve my first kill (9 missions). Instead one of them got behind me and without TrackIR, it was really difficult from that point. They did damage my plane enough where I had to land it and I did crash a bit but my pilot survived. I knew I should run but as it was only my 2nd day, I wanted some action to see if I could get a kill, but as I start campaign mode today, when outnumbered I will try to run.


I did fly the Sopwith Camel - holy crap that's a tough plane to handle. I went into no less than 10 spins as the crosswind or the pull to one side with the rotary engine kept rolling me. Once I was down low I couldn't climb above 3,500ft to get her back up to altitude. I was able to land her twice and take off once but I can honestly say she was too much for me to handle at my early stage of development. I was able to avoid crashing somehow and after setting her down safely the second time I ended the mission. I also flew a Spad VIII? and she was a bit tough to handle as well. How any Americans survived flying these planes I have no idea but I'm going to campaign with the Brits as they have some planes I can handle and of course I don't want to start late in the war as it will be my arse.


I fought as a German once and at the start of the battle I collided with a British plane as we were firing on each other head-on. I lost the bottom wings on my biplane and my pilot died as I was hurtling toward earth in a giant fireball. That was a sad moment.


I did crash to desktop a bunch of times and lowered some graphic settings and haven't crashed since. This sim is taxing my rig I'm afraid but I'm having someone install my new 3.0 GHz quad-core CPU on Monday (my MB needs a BIOS update) and hopefully that gives me some more stability. The BIOS update should offer some increased performance as well. I'm having a blast though and will start a British campaign today. Any suggestions on which squad and do they assign a plane I'll fly?

Edited by Shiloh

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Suggest RFC 56 Flying the SE5 . . April 1917 Tubelar Gunsite




RNAS 10 Flying the Sopwith Triplane . . . March 1917


Thank you uncleal. Loading up a RFC-56 campaign now and getting ready for my first real mission. :salute:

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Bodes well on future expendatures as well. Namely Rudder Pedals http://www.amazon.co...2276053&sr=1-15


and Throttle Control http://www.amazon.co...02276145&sr=1-7


on the throttle control reference Tips & Cheats #7 . .Salute.gif






The CH rudder pedals are extremely durable and well made. Can't imagine flying a Camel, or any other tail dragger, without them.


CH's main business is industrial controllers, and they make their products to last. My CH Pro Pedals, Pro Throtle, and Fighterstick have been in daily use for 5+ years and still function like brand new. I was lucky to get two years of use out of cheaper brands and had to replace springs, pots, and/or pushbuttons several times. There is a steep learning curve with the programming software, but ready-made OFF profiles can be downloaded from the CH forum.



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Thank you uncleal. Loading up a RFC-56 campaign now and getting ready for my first real mission. :salute:


First mission went well. After mission do I need to bring my plane into a hangar? If so, which hangar is mine?




The CH rudder pedals are extremely durable and well made. Can't imagine flying a Camel, or any other tail dragger, without them.


CH's main business is industrial controllers, and they make their products to last. My CH Pro Pedals, Pro Throtle, and Fighterstick have been in daily use for 5+ years and still function like brand new. I was lucky to get two years of use out of cheaper brands and had to replace springs, pots, and/or pushbuttons several times. There is a steep learning curve with the programming software, but ready-made OFF profiles can be downloaded from the CH forum.




Something to keep in mind. With my new CPU, TrackIR, OFF software, joystick I'm already over $300. so I'm going to get by on what I have but knowing myself I may be looking for just a little something more....


Thanks for the welcome and may I buy the next round? :drinks:

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You only have to land it (ideally at your own airfield! :grin:). You can park wherever you stop - or as Javito recommends and I have been happily copying recently, you can exit whilst still rolling to a halt.

Well done on completing your first campaign mission, Shiloh. :good:


You might like to check back a few pages on the reports from the front thread - Carrick and Javito have posted quite a few in the S.E5a in recent weeks.

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"The BIOS update should offer some increased performance as well. I'm having a blast though and will start a British campaign today. Any suggestions on which squad and do they assign a plane I'll fly?"


Hi Shiloh,


Sounds like you're getting acclimatised!


I see that two - eminently sensible - suggestions have already been made regarding a Briddish campaign (I'm assuming a 1916/1917 start). The SE5a and the Sopwith Triplane are both fabulous scouts. Possibly too good though, so I would recommend kicking off a campaign in a squadron that flies the Sopwith Pup, possibly the nicest aeroplane ever made, if pilot reports are to believed. I think 48 RFC have it in late 1916. Basically, it's light, manouvreable, quick enough and faced with opponents who you can overcome, given a bit of skill. The single gun makes you work hard - you learn to get up very close indeed before you start firing, which isn't the case with the Camel or SE. There, you can simply blaze away. Well, that'll do you no good in a Pup. What you do have though, is a priceless opportunity to mix it with Hun planes that are, in many ways, as good as you, and certainly more heavily armed. Thus you learn how to avoid trouble - you can't afford to be bracketed by an Alb DIII: it will wreck you. Instead you learn how to fly round them, as their weakness is the lack of fleetness compared to you. It was said that a Pup could perform two right turns before the Albatros could perform one. That's why it's such a brilliant scout for a British campaign. Consider it recommended.




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... Richtofen said, "if I feel we can't win we run away" or something to that effect.

That line may or may not be Hollywoodized but I won't forget it.

It would fit, and I'm pretty sure I have read something similar from him.

He was no Frank Luke type of person; he was very cool-blooded and knew, when it was too dangerous to stay.

Without any hesitation, he would run away, to come back another day.

He would have regarded anything else as being foolish.


One great victory for me yesterday: I told my wife about the sim and she's really into it too - she wants to fly some missions.

Bodes well for clearance on future missions.

Damn - must I settle in America, to meet a woman like that???

I ask again: wherewould one meet such girls???

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I would think Berlin would be a fair enough place to meet the opposite sex, sometimes the best place to meet like minded wimmins is in secondary and community colleges. It's where I met my wife, we both had an interest in fiction writing. That we hit it off well after a few classes together was probably because we became good friends first.


I wasn't so impressive to her father at first, but my interest in aircraft and helping put in his concrete driveway helped improve that first impression.

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Hi Shiloh,


Sounds like you're getting acclimatised!


I see that two - eminently sensible - suggestions have already been made regarding a Briddish campaign (I'm assuming a 1916/1917 start). The SE5a and the Sopwith Triplane are both fabulous scouts. Possibly too good though, so I would recommend kicking off a campaign in a squadron that flies the Sopwith Pup, possibly the nicest aeroplane ever made, if pilot reports are to believed. I think 48 RFC have it in late 1916. Basically, it's light, manouvreable, quick enough and faced with opponents who you can overcome, given a bit of skill. The single gun makes you work hard - you learn to get up very close indeed before you start firing, which isn't the case with the Camel or SE. There, you can simply blaze away. Well, that'll do you no good in a Pup. What you do have though, is a priceless opportunity to mix it with Hun planes that are, in many ways, as good as you, and certainly more heavily armed. Thus you learn how to avoid trouble - you can't afford to be bracketed by an Alb DIII: it will wreck you. Instead you learn how to fly round them, as their weakness is the lack of fleetness compared to you. It was said that a Pup could perform two right turns before the Albatros could perform one. That's why it's such a brilliant scout for a British campaign. Consider it recommended.





Yes, an April 1917 start for the SEFa. I've already flown one mission and scouted the skies above my base (I guess that's not considered a mission?). The plane handles well and I'm still getting used to the rotary pushing me left all the time. I presume thus plane turns left better than it turns right while in combat. I'll have to give the Sopwith Pup a try as I haven't flown her yet but have heard it's a good plane. I'm still learning how to read the radar and when the enemy appears as white blips, how do I know their altitude other than spotting them or is that part of the challenge?



It would fit, and I'm pretty sure I have read something similar from him.

He was no Frank Luke type of person; he was very cool-blooded and knew, when it was too dangerous to stay.

Without any hesitation, he would run away, to come back another day.

He would have regarded anything else as being foolish.



Damn - must I settle in America, to meet a woman like that???

I ask again: wherewould one meet such girls???


I'm not sure Olham but I sure caught a good one. :cool: Between working and watching the kids often it's one of my few releases and she understands that. Our first Christmas when we were dating she bought me an Xbox and I knew she was a keeper.

Edited by Shiloh

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Not to rain on your parade but the SE5 has got a V-8 with twin guns. The Sopwith Pup has the rotary, and a single gun, it was as great as it was because it was a lightweight and highly manuverable.


The Sopwith Triplane was the next progression of the pup, with the rotory, the single gun and an unbelievable climb rate, and astounding low speed manuverability without falling from the sky


With the TAC anytime the red blip is in the center of the screen, the enemy is above you. As YOU are the center.


Enemy aircraft are Much Easier to spot, with LABELS ON. Labels Deserve one of your upper Joystick buttons, so that you can instantly see him, as the TAC provides only the direction, then turning them off with a flick of your thumb, without taking your eyes off the target


That's where the added resolution of the 24" monitor is welcomed


This OFF can be INCREDABLY Expensive . . . It's just how much expense can you justify . verses . . how much will power do you have


PS . . . 99% of the time, he's above you





Thanks uncleal...this is very helpful. I can never seem to find the enemy planes without those tags, then are they above? below?


My friend visited me this evening and I let him take the controls for a moment to get the feel of the plane. He crashed my SE5a and killed my pilot in about 30 seconds. So, because I want a nimbler plane that's easier to control and because I had only flown one mission I think I'll give that Sopwith Pup a chance and work my way up on a new campaign. I flew 14 quick battles and a campaign mission and lost only one pilot and my friend loses one in 30 seconds....:scratch:


One more question - how do I take screenshots?

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Print Screen button and paste to Paint, or use Fraps.


You really need to get in close to shoot down planes. I mean damn close, to the point where you feel like your propeller will chop off his rudder.


Recommend you see Hellshade's video about aerial gunnery and maneuvering here. He makes it look easy the way he brings down enemies with just one or two bursts. I've been practicing it for months and I'm still only getting about 20 - 30% accuracy, I'm sure Hellshade's is higher still.


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