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Saitek X45 - is not recognized by Windows 7

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I know I may not have much luck with this but I am trying to use my Saitek X45 with Windows 7 64 bit system.


I did use my X45 a number of years ago and found it OK - although I did like my Thrustmaster system (F-16 FLCS, TQS and Rudders).


I've recently found 'Rise of Flight' and decided it's time to dig out the X45. I've downloaded some sfotware but the controller installs but is simply not recognized nby Windows 7.


Does anyone have any exprience of getting an older joystick to work with Windows 7 or should I confine the X45 to the dustbin?


I can download the latest drivers from the Saitek site and install them.


When I play a game the joystick is not recognized.


I can see the X45 in the Devices and Printers screen. However, when I look at the game controllers in Windows there is no device shown.



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I don't know about the X45 or Saitek myself, but that yellow excalamation mark on the HID entry is an indicator of a driver failure there. So your setup is only partly installed.

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