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Adding SAMs to custom campaigns

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I have started a 1975 campaign over Paran and it just doesn't feel right without a sky full of deadly SAMs. How do I change that?

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AFAIK, and hope a Campaign Guru corrects me, the SAMs are set in the terrain _Types.ini; either as seperate battery-style target areas, or said batteries built into existing targets areas.

So, if more are needed, the desert_targets.ini would need their addition.


As they've been before (look at the VNSEA, and GermanyCE_targets ini), and you'll see the sams and various search and track radars built in



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StartAirDefenseLevel=3 in the campaign data ini also determines the enemy ground resistance during the first days though once you've flown three or four missions even with this parameter at its lowest setting it is then dependent on supply level and as Wrench so rightly pointed out- how dense the terrain target ini is.

I tried the above setting over Lebanon and straying over the border was not the wisest course of action. Over Vietnam, I've never survived to tell the tale.

Come to think of it, even after flying this sim for four years, I still get shot down!!!

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