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A book I read.

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Recently I read the most well written sci fi novel ever in my life of reading sci fi, including the original Star Troopers, called United Worlds Authority. It is book one of a four book saga. The story of book one is exclusively takes place on Earth but you’ll visit the Moon and the world of Mr. Steve Baker’s mind, Anrypa. The story, IMHO, is a realistic “what if” first contact of an Alien species. The former Soviet Union; was the first country to “find” a strange underwater happenings in South Pacific Ocean. But, not for long, the former Soviet Government officials didn’t know that a US Government spy was taking notes and pictures of their findings. Interested yet? The plot is very well done; you’ll experience political tactics and military tactics in this story. The book itself is very easy to read in terms of font and size of the letters. The book is also well made. It’s a long time since I’ve seen a book with well stitched bindings.


The plot of this novel is about an authorization of alien worlds IE United Worlds Authority (Yeah like the UN with UN-Iike politics) protecting Earth from a Babylon 5 like species called “The Enemy”. Think of them as HUGE crabs that eat EVERYTHING in its path. The main character of this book is the Anrypan Elite fighter pilot named Angelica Dimere Bakaru from the planet Anrypa. You will like her a lot, trust me. All the characters like her are well done in terms of development wise. You’ll be drawn to the characters and laugh, get frustrated and cry with them. Unlike most Sci fi novels, there’s a lot of humor in this storyline and it is quite refreshing to see.

It took me about a week to finish the big book. The chapters are quite long though. I only could read about two or three chapters per day. Normally I can read about 5 or 6 chapters in normal sized novel. I really think this book would be a great sci fi movie with well done CGI and realistic Newton physics like in the tv series Babylon 5.


You can read the first 107 pages on the web at www.unitedworldsauthority.com and it is exclusively shipped to Barnes & Noble book stores or at their B&N web site.


I give the book 4.5 of 5 stars and I really recommend it to every sci fi fan to grab a copy.




Here's a pic of me and the Author. I personally know him since Junior High. His uniform is a modified Soviet uniform made to look like one of the United Worlds Authority's alien species known as Anrypans.



Edited by FalconC45

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Have to check this series out, need something new. Thanks for the heads up


BTW, tell Henrietta to quit shooting at me :blink:

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Thanks as well for the review, references had been duly noted. I am seeking new novels/saga to read in english, so I am quite interested. :good:

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Have to check this series out, need something new. Thanks for the heads up


BTW, tell Henrietta to quit shooting at me :blink:


I'm gonna post a pic of Angelica's fighter, the Mantass Mark 8F. It's a sweet design.




See those tubes? Those are energy weapons, very powerful. But they are one shot deal. See that light beneath of the nose? Its not a landing light, its a 60mm 2 rotary chambered single barreled cannon that shoots guided shells. Lets say that the Enterprise was a target. Sure the shields would of protected it of the first salvo of the energy weapons, but with the 60mm, the pilot could shoot the same exact place every time and penetrate the shield and go thru the thin haul. Can you say uh oh? :biggrin:.




PS trying to find a gif of Henreitta shooting her P90 in the first episode sigh...

Edited by FalconC45

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