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Post May 2011 - Edited Campaigns?

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Anybody know what the hell is going on here?




I was in the middle of this stock campaign (which I had edited) before the May 2011 patch. Today I decided to restart it again. So I select the said campaign, etc,etc, but as soon as I click on the 'Accept' button the game freezes and I've got to exit the game via the task manager. I then make any minor necessary changes to the _DATA.ini file by comparing it with the latest original (May 2011). Still no joy.


I'm almost banging my head off a wall here trying to get this to work. Any ideas, lads?

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It is a known bug recently reported at the Third Wire forums to TK.

USAAF is there to support the P-51 Mustang which can be flown before 1947 when the USAF came into existence.

However, the game engine seems to randomly toggle between the two names independent of the date you are flying.

TK is looking into it.


There are a number of glitches in the latest patch release, so I expect a minor bug fix patch as fast as TK can investigate and correct the bugs in this newest release set.

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Cheers for that SE. It just seems strange as well that even after extracting a fresh Campaign and Campaign_Data ini and making the necessary squadron changes, the game freezes. Oh well. I suppose I can get some single mission practice in until this quickfix is released.

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