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Need help from the Folks in the UK

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Didn't know where to put this, but since there be a ton of UK residents on this forum, I need help with something.


I am putting together a PLCE Belt Kit in Olive. I am having a hard time finding a good condition (Grade 1 or New) PLCE yoke in Olive from a store that will ship to the US. If you happen to be able to get a hold of one, I would be willing to pay for the item and shipping to the US. PM me.


Double bonus if you can find two sets of these:




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Silvermans will have it, I'd expect, or Du Bora.




You'll pay as much in carriage as you will for the yoke, but still, if you want it badly enough. Can't think why - PLCE is utter rubbish. '58 was far better once you got rid of the large pack.

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