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I figured that this trick I found would be useful to someone. My apologies if this has already been covered.


If you look at a stock aircraft's DECAL.INI you will find that they have decal with names that do not have numbers on the ends. But if you look in the CAT files the decals all have numbers after them. Well, after opening the decal NATIONNAME002.TGA, I figured out that the number at the end of the decal's name corresponds to a nation by means of the number of the nation:


[Nation002] <--- This is the nation's number. ---> NATIONAME002.TGA


DisplayName=United States Air Force


That would mean that the NATIONNAME002 decal would contain the text USAF, which is correct. You can try this with any stock, NATIONNAMEXXX decal. The decal will always contain the name of the nation.


Now a stock nation's markings will be contained in the four decals INSIGNIAFUSELXXX.TGA, INSIGNIAFUSERXXX.TGA, INSIGNIAWINGLXXX.TGA, and INSIGNIAWINGRXXX.TGA. The three x's would be replaced by the nation's number. Just create the correctly named decals, and the game engine will add them to stock aircraft when you fly as that nation.

Edited by F117NightHawk
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Thats good stuff. Putting it in the KB. Thank you.

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