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Decal problem, serials are not showing

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I have a set of 18 decals for serials, files named correctly and in order. (161SN000 to 161SN0017)

The problem is, with the below Textureset settings, out of a flight of 16 aircraft;

number 1-3 , 2-4 and 3-3 aircraft will not display decals for serials. These 3 aircraft always get the last number in the NUMBERS.LST. Which contains all 18 serial numbers.

This last serials tga file has no problems and shows correctly if I pick it by hand.







The same happens with all my Turkish skins, I've tripled checked everything.. Tried it with and without the blocksize..

Any ideas?



Edited by PureBlue

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Ok, I think I've figured it out. Possible bug with Mission Editor/Decal number calculation.

For aircraft with multiple skins, the first skin directory listed in the aircraft.ini file, the decal settings for this skin are taken as base:



Your first skin listed has these values:




You start Mission Editor, and pick the second skin for this aircraft, which has more decals, let's say 20.


The game will only work with numbers 0-10. The rest of the aircraft decals won't be displayed.


The bug is that ME, when you pick a different skin for the aircraft, will not read the decal number settings for the second/third/etc. skins..


Thus, if you set DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE for the first skin, all your skins will have randomization, same with the numberstart and ends..

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... interesting to know! :salute:


Your Turkish F-16C Skins are very good... :good:



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Thanks mate, a huge pack covering all squadrons is almost done :good:

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