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B-24J Liberator (Pasko), Indian Air Force, Ver.2

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B-24J Liberator (Pasko), Indian Air Force, Ver.2

Consolidated B-24J, Indian Air Force ver.2


For SF2, Full-5 Merged (with Expansion Pak 1 Reccomended, for bombs)


This is Version 2.0 of Pasko's B-24J "Liberator", to recreate those as rebuilt for use by the Indian Air Force.

Designed for use with in India/Pakistan stand-alone install.


This version is designed to REPLACE the version originally released in 2011 for the Indo-Pak mod.


A brand new skin, in jpg format, from my (finally!) completed Home Grown template ™.

The decals are 100% historically accurate for the serial numbers. Decal randomization is set to TRUE.

Flight model, while somewhat tweeked by me is "OK", for a heavy bomber. However it NEEDS to be completly gone through by an FM Guru, as there are many 'issues'. It is NOT advised that is be used by the player, but to let the AI control it.


Some data ini tweeks remove some of the guns, and the lower ball turret, and convert it to a surface-search radar dome (ASV), via the FakePilot method. A new avionics ini is included. Be advised, there is NO radar display in the cockpit .. in Real Life ™ this would have been (probably) in the radio compartment, aft of the bomb bays. All lighting positions have been corrected, and where necessary, new ones added to their proper places.

The weapons loadout makes use of the stock, Expansion Pak 1 M57 & M64 WW2 era bombs.


As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Of course, the expected "Notes" section with comments, suggestions, and whatnots. Be in one's own best interest to read them.


Happy Landings!


kevin stein


changelog: version 2.0 uploaded 1/10/2013

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Version 2.0 uploaded


see the edited release post above.

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