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RAAF Meteor F.8, 77 Squadron

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RAAF Meteor F.8, 77 Squadron

Meteor F8, RAAF, 77 Squadron Skin/Decal Pak

- For SF2, Full-4 Merged Installs =WITH= Expansion Pak 1 (REQUIRED!) -


As stated above, you MUST have -at the very least, SF2:I and Expansion Pak 1 to gain access to the Meteor F8. If you do NOT have these minimum requirements, Do Not Download this Mod, as you'll be unable to use it.


This pak contains a skin a decal set replicating Meteor F8s from RAAF 77 Squadron, 1951-ish time frame, during the Korean War. The serial numbers are 100% historicaly accurate for

those airframes assigned 77 Sqdn during Korea. Number randomization has been activated, so make sure you're at LEAST at the June, 2011 patch level. Three historical Korean-Era nose arts are included. They are 'name listed' next to their serial numbers, selectable from the drop-down on the Loadout Screen.


Several inis are also included, as I've made some changes to loadouts (making sure the belly tank is ALWAYS loaded), data ini and year-adjusted Userlist ini. The data ini also as the canopy activated; as usual, use Shift/0 to open and close it.


As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....Also, it's advisable to read the "Notes" section for important comments, other instructions and general rambling.


Good Hunting!



kevin stein


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