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Help needed in removing parts from .LOD files?

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I looked through the OUT files on this F-16A Blk15, from what I can see it has .LOD parts for AGM and ARM adapter as part of the aircraft .LOD, as well as the sidewinder rails.

I tried the following:

1. Edited the .Data.INI and the .Loudout.INI - no changes

2. Look at the aircraft .LOD files and deleted the appropriate parts - no changes and I was unable to see the aircraft after saving the changes, I see the terrain being use and that is it?

Can anyone help me solve this isssue?

Thank you.


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Also, I forgot to mention...


The inner pylon and the outer pylon has the ARM or AGM attachment as fix attachment. When I drop the Wing tank or release the weapon on the outer pylon... you see the ARM attachment all the time...?

Edited by ace888

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see PureBlue's thread on removing the tail RWR bump from the Rhinos ... you'll see the statments (they go in the data ini below the AircraftData section. Just change meshnames to what you want removed.

Don't forget to add them as 'components' IN the AircraftData section


btw;, it was Bpao that discovered this

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Thanks for the info. Just re-trace the original F-16A Blk15 file and found the problem grin.gif



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