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Everything posted by ace888

  1. Hello All, It is great to see new members contributing to this awesome community. I wish I have the time to work on projects and even play the SF2! This thread is to thank our long time community member, modeler, and a great friend 'Logan4' I have to look up the original modeler for this beautiful F-5E (on the other computer), so far the most accurate (test photos). I did some modifications and worked on the templates. Logan made all the necessary accessories (fake pilot) for the various air forces/navy/marine/private contractor. His F-5E fuel tank is being contributed for the IIRAN Mirage F1... Thanks to Dave, Fates, Erik, MK2 and all the people involved for keeping this webpage alive and available all these years... and many more years to come! Thank you.
  2. View File EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon "BETA" Pack SF2 - EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon "BETA" Pack This aircraft is tested on Fully Merged SF2E/I/NA/V on July 2013 patch. The aircraft is to be use under the COMBATACE rules "ONLY" DO NOT VIOLATE THE RULE OR PERFORM PIRACY! First, I want to thank Bongodriever for his "superb" re-work of his EF-2000 for SF2. Despite being a "Beta" it is an exceptional aircraft. Lets hope he will finish the work someday? Also, without his work... we would of all have to wait for another talented individual to make this aircraft. Thank you very much Craig. I want to take this opportunity to dedicate this Aircraft to the following individuals: "Spinners" - I want to thank you for helping me to get started in becoming a Modder at Combatace. Even though time have past, I have not forgotten about your kindness, support, and patience in teaching me the basics. I also want to thank... "Fastcargo" "Wrench" and "Sundowner" for their early support as well. Of course, since the early days to the present. I had the pleasure of being helped by so many other great and talented people... You know who you are... Thank you all for sharing your knowledge and many other things... Now, since this is a BETA... Pretty much all deficiencies are well known. So do not make uncessary post or comments if you find an issue. Please take the time to read the "knowledge base section for SF2" to install this aircraft, as well as, to answer many questions you might have? Yes, the knowledge base section has wealth of information that answers most of your concerns or issues. Make the effort to learn it, DO NOT BE LAZY. Also, make the effort to use the search function for your concerns or issues. You will be surprised that many of topic issues have already been discussed. Lastly, the file is BIG... I did do my due diligence to make sure all is correct. But like anything in life, there is a chance that I might have miss something or made an error? Feel free to make the post if you find something that is not correct? This file contain all of the air wings and squadrons from all of the current EF-2000 user and soon to be user of the EF-2000. Instead of listing them (which is very long), look at the files and you will know who they are... With the exception of the RAF 43(F) Sqn and the 2(AC) Special markings, all of the squadrons are current or were in existence. - 43(F) squadron was suppose to be the next Typhoon squadron this year, but that was changed when 2(AC) squadron was selected instead. - 2(AC) special marking was something I just added. Note #1: Until Ravenclaw finish the KEPD-350, the GAF and the Eda will not show a stand-off weapon under the loadout for "strike". I use the KEPD_350 as a reminder for future changes on the loadout. Note #2: ONly RAF is using the swing-Role for the EF-2000. Most other nations are using the EF-2000 for Air Defense only, but are starting to use the ground attach capability. So, the loadout is not the most accurate for the various ground roles. You can change it to what ever you like. Note #3: Pirate cam will appear when you use the AA mode. With targeting pod loaded, you have to select the AG mode to use the targeting pod cam. All work are done by me with the exception of the credits given to the people below: Bongodriver - Aircraft/Seat/.LODs and most of the .INIs (with tweaks by me) ChrisBV - Pilots (I slightly modified the skin) Florian/JAT - Pilot Ravenclaw - Weapons (I modified one of the weapon to make the GBU-48B) FastCargo - Fakepilot Eagle114th - Wingtip vortex (I modified both the skakey/straight vortex effects, also can use both at the same time) Spillone104 - Engine sounds If I have forgotten anyone for their work, my apologies, and your work is being recognized and credited. Thank you for reading. I hope you will enjoy flying this aircraft. Cheers! August 09, 2015 Ace888 Submitter ace888 Submitted 08/10/2015 Category Typhoon  
  3. Hello All... Back in 2015, Talking to JAT81500 and dtmdgradon, we were discussing the issue that I felt would be nice if we can fixed it. That is the outer pylon on all the Team Viper F-16s are angle incorrectly. If anyone can take the time to fix the angle of the outer pylon that would be great!
  4. Asian F-16 Viper Pack Part 1



    SF2 Asian F-16 Viper Pack Part 1 First - My sincere thanks to Sony Tuckson and the entire Mirage Factory Team for the permission to use the F-16 Files. This is for SF2 Full Merge Installed updated to July 11 patch. The file contain the following squadrons: **Republic of China Air Force (ROCAF) 21st FS (Luke AF, pilot training) 21st FS Gamblers (Lead bird for the squadron) 21st FS Special 100 Anniversary (This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China and the KMT party by Dr. Sun) 401st 12th TRS 401st 17th FS 401st 26th FS 401st 27th FS 401st CAG (Commander of Air Group aircraft) 455th 14th FS 455th 21st FS 455th 23rd FS 455th CAG Aggressor Blue Aggressor Brown Aggressor Green Aggressor Grey Aggressor Snow ED 702 (Aircraft 702 (A model) and aircraft 822 (B model) were assigned to Edwards AF for testing and weapon intergration before being sent to Luke AF to join the training fleet) Flying Tiger (401 TFW honoring the "AVG" of the Flying Tigers) ROCAF Solo **Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) 140th SQ 140th SQ Late 143rd SQ (added just for fun, never flew the F-16A Blk 15 OCU) 145th SQ (also added for fun) 311th TFTS (Squadron at Luke AF to train the pilots, very short live) 425th FS (Current squadron at Luke AF to train the RSAF pilots, added for fun) **Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) 102nd SQ Early 102nd SQ Late 103rd SQ Early 103rd SQ Late 403rd SQ Wing 1 Wing 4 **Indonesia Air Force (TNI-AU) 3rd SQ Blue Camo 3rd SQ Blue LV 3rd SQ Grey Camo 3rd SQ Grey LV The files above represented the F-16AM Blk20 for the ROCAF, F-16A Blk15 OCU for the RSAF, F-16A_ADF for the RTAF, and F-16A Blk15OCU for the TNI-AU. Due to the "fake pilot" mode, you will see the IFF blade on all Blk15 OCU by RSAF and TNI-AU when there shouldn't be... But who cares, it looks good :) As always, great care is taken to insure proper skin, decal-type/size/position and color when possible. Any modification that is not fully represented to the actual aircraft is made to improve the looks of the skin rather then to downgrade the quality of the actual aircraft skin and decals, or simply it is beyond my ability. I DID NOT upload the pilot, effects, and weapons because of three things: 1. If you have been with the commuty for a long time, I assume you have it all and will modify it to your own liking. 2. If you are new to the community, then you have a lot to read and upload to get the full impact of the wonderful work that many have contributed. 3. I am too lazy to do it for you... Additional Credits: "Bpao" Crusader X Ray and Jat81500 Ravenclaw. Aleducat PeacePuma 331Killerbee If I missed anyone it is not intentional and you will be credited :) Cheers! 22nd July, 2011 Ace888
  5. SF2 ROKAF Skin Pack for the F-5F



    This is a Skin Pack of the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) F-5F The skin pack is for SF2 merged install. "NOTE" I did not install the May 2011 update from Thirdwire. So it is NOT tested with the new update, not sure if it will make any difference to the skin pack? I also had a plan to have a full aircraft (with tweaks) and the skins on this one, that did not happen. The Skin Pack consist of the following Squadrons: 1stFW 206th FS 8thFW 103rd FS 8thFW 207th FS 10thFW 101st FS 10thFW 201st FS 16thFW 202nd FS 18thFW 105th FS 18thFW 112th FS 18thFW 205th FS 192 TDTS (Tactical Development and Training Squadron) Additional Credits: Thirdwire VicRomano(FastCargo) - his templates Cheers 10 June 2011 Ace888
  6. Version


    SF2 - EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon "BETA" Pack This aircraft is tested on Fully Merged SF2E/I/NA/V on July 2013 patch. The aircraft is to be use under the COMBATACE rules "ONLY" DO NOT VIOLATE THE RULE OR PERFORM PIRACY! First, I want to thank Bongodriever for his "superb" re-work of his EF-2000 for SF2. Despite being a "Beta" it is an exceptional aircraft. Lets hope he will finish the work someday? Also, without his work... we would of all have to wait for another talented individual to make this aircraft. Thank you very much Craig. I want to take this opportunity to dedicate this Aircraft to the following individuals: "Spinners" - I want to thank you for helping me to get started in becoming a Modder at Combatace. Even though time have past, I have not forgotten about your kindness, support, and patience in teaching me the basics. I also want to thank... "Fastcargo" "Wrench" and "Sundowner" for their early support as well. Of course, since the early days to the present. I had the pleasure of being helped by so many other great and talented people... You know who you are... Thank you all for sharing your knowledge and many other things... Now, since this is a BETA... Pretty much all deficiencies are well known. So do not make uncessary post or comments if you find an issue. Please take the time to read the "knowledge base section for SF2" to install this aircraft, as well as, to answer many questions you might have? Yes, the knowledge base section has wealth of information that answers most of your concerns or issues. Make the effort to learn it, DO NOT BE LAZY. Also, make the effort to use the search function for your concerns or issues. You will be surprised that many of topic issues have already been discussed. Lastly, the file is BIG... I did do my due diligence to make sure all is correct. But like anything in life, there is a chance that I might have miss something or made an error? Feel free to make the post if you find something that is not correct? This file contain all of the air wings and squadrons from all of the current EF-2000 user and soon to be user of the EF-2000. Instead of listing them (which is very long), look at the files and you will know who they are... With the exception of the RAF 43(F) Sqn and the 2(AC) Special markings, all of the squadrons are current or were in existence. - 43(F) squadron was suppose to be the next Typhoon squadron this year, but that was changed when 2(AC) squadron was selected instead. - 2(AC) special marking was something I just added. Note #1: Until Ravenclaw finish the KEPD-350, the GAF and the Eda will not show a stand-off weapon under the loadout for "strike". I use the KEPD_350 as a reminder for future changes on the loadout. Note #2: ONly RAF is using the swing-Role for the EF-2000. Most other nations are using the EF-2000 for Air Defense only, but are starting to use the ground attach capability. So, the loadout is not the most accurate for the various ground roles. You can change it to what ever you like. Note #3: Pirate cam will appear when you use the AA mode. With targeting pod loaded, you have to select the AG mode to use the targeting pod cam. All work are done by me with the exception of the credits given to the people below: Bongodriver - Aircraft/Seat/.LODs and most of the .INIs (with tweaks by me) ChrisBV - Pilots (I slightly modified the skin) Florian/JAT - Pilot Ravenclaw - Weapons (I modified one of the weapon to make the GBU-48B) FastCargo - Fakepilot Eagle114th - Wingtip vortex (I modified both the skakey/straight vortex effects, also can use both at the same time) Spillone104 - Engine sounds If I have forgotten anyone for their work, my apologies, and your work is being recognized and credited. Thank you for reading. I hope you will enjoy flying this aircraft. Cheers! August 09, 2015 Ace888
  7. V-2 Falcon

    Pretty interesting... Very realistic!
  8. As always... magnificent work! Do you plan to do the same for some of the F-4E and RF-4C?
  9. When I was doing my mod ... did not find any info. at the time. It is not a light of any kind... Some from of sensors...
  10. Excellent to see that you are getting as many of the details as possible! Please consider the following...
  11. Like I have said... excellent work! You do have a very long list! Hopefully you can update all of Marcelo's Flankers... not sure what you have? But he practically did all of them... If you can add the Su-27UB and the Su-33 (you did play with it in the past) that would be nice. If you do have them all... your consideration will be appreciated. A Su-27S and Su-27UB would be ideal... Thanks again for doing the work!!! Cheers!
  12. Hello All, This project started in November 2015! I started to share this project with two other guys Logan4 and Heberth around March of 2016. And here we are... First I want to thank the following individuals: Logan4 for the 3ds Max issues and Florian for showing me the slimmer technique. I want to thank Mue for his valuable tool program for making this project easier. Of course, thanks to Marcelo for his Su-27 model (I believe it is a 2007 model) so it is a old model but still useful. I will get to the point... I wanted to finish this project by 2016. Will, as you can see, there is still plenty to do before it is consider finish. The reasons are the same - time, family, work, interest, and anything else you can think of. The model is old and has issues with its UVMap and so a lot of items need to be modify or change just to make it close to what I wanted. So, any issues you will eventually see... most likely I already know. Now due to time and interest, at this point, I just want to finish it. There are plenty of issues and errors in this Mod but I am OK with it. Example: the MAWS on the forward fuselage of the J-11A_Upgrade is in the wrong position and the size could be bigger. My mistake was making the fake pilot mod before I made the new template and try to fit it in the proper place. However, using the old template and the size of the aircraft model, the position is pretty close... it is just the way the model was made that made it hard to fit in the right place. Anothere was the J-11B_AL-31F's top shield for the HUD was deleted, it was meant to be this way. The initial J-11B was to have a new hud and cockpit with AL-31F engines. It turns out that the eventual first J-11B was with a Holographic HUD and AL-31F engines. I just included that model for fun. Another example: The right main inner wheel well is not UV unwrap, so you are going to see the lower right wing textures instead, I did try to locate it using the Mue's tool... it is not there. Another example: The way the model was UV unwrapped, there are plenty of areas where it will "bleed" into different shapes. What I meant by that is... if you place a line (as in a panel line or a rivet) you will not see the panel line or the rivet... what you will see is a stretch mark or a blended or distorted line or spots of color. So things like these is what you are going to see as errors. Basically - size, shape, position, etc. will be adjusted as needed to make it look ok or fit. Finishing up the panel lines, making the stencils, markings, and adjusting the aircraft, etc... Thanks to CombatAce for being here and for its continuing support of the community for FREE! I thank CA for all the wonderful toys we get to play with! Hopefully I will finish this thing... Cheers! Ace888
  13. Happy to know that Russouk is refurbishing the old Su-27. I hope he will make the J-11A/B/BH to be added to the list. Nice work Russouk! You should just redo the entire fighter... Pitot, Ants., blisters, etc. I have this project for 5 years and I have not work on it for a very long time. Thank you Russouk...
  14. Hello, Can anyone direct me to where I can download the proper FONTS for the GAF fonts and the AMI fonts shown? I would also need the AMI fonts to have the highlighted outer area font type as well (similar to the GAF fonts as shown on the photo). Thank you...
  15. Mirage 4000 prototype

    Waiting my chance to fly this exceptional fighter when I get home. I am certain I will not be disappointed. Great Job! Cheers!
  16. Soulfreak, Unfortunately I do not... I lost a lot of my stuff when my computer went tango uniform early this year. I will check to see if I had it on my back up external drive?
  17. Thank you all... Soulfreak... yes, I already have those, thanks
  18. Dels, awesome workmanship as expected...! A great addition.
  19. Mue, thank you for your update and congrats on the new house. If you can make your #1 to work... that would be a great asset!
  20. Del, I have yet to fly your superb Herc fleet, but I have no doubt that it is excellent in everyway! Cheers!
  21. yunped Good for you that you made a statement. I was going to make a post but you already beat me to it. Between the two thread post (one here on the general discussion and the other being on the screen shot thread). I ask kindly to all members? Who are we to quickly to judge the lack of authenticity of someone's work? One cannot assume that someone is incapable-of or did not do the work because they are not a member, have not being a member for a long time, or show no historical timeline of the work involved? You cannot assume the worst of people based on what happen in the past.... the past of plagiarism by some people and post their stuff on CA. Also, great skill and artist comes from many different background and ethnicity. CAUCASIANS are not the only people on this planet. Modders does not exist just in North America or in Europe. Just because the bad Chines and some other ethnic group did the wrong deed of copying other's work... does not mean that all Chinese or the other ethnic group are all bad people. Stop being ignorant and stupid. Prior to this post, I did a little checking and PM work.... and discovered what "yunped" already stated. He contributed to this community in the past by making the KF-1 and KF-2. Funny, back then no one criticize his work or motive? In fact, many prominent modders congratulate him and thank him for the upload. I am certain "yunped" did not have any bad intent to make people pay his work from this website, but to promote his work on his own website. Yes, CA is an excellent site for FREE items being uploaded from great artist from all over the world and lets always be appreciative and be thankful for it. But there is nothing wrong of someone wanting to be compensated for his work. If you like something and think the price is right, you will pay for it to get it... I want to thank the founders of CA and ALL who have contributed to this great website... Combatace!!! Thank you all
  22. Just saw this, can't wait to get home and give her a spin! Excellent workmanship Florian! Thank you. Jat, thanks for the avionics update!
  23. I have tried to make a functioning slimmer using the fake pilot. Unfortunately it does not show up glowing at all once place in game. Does anyone know for sure making a slimmer using the fake pilot method does not work? The glow does show up when I render it... but not in game. Thank You

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