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Order of Aircraft

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Hey everyone,


I just got myself Wings Over Vietnam, and I've been happily adding aircraft and stuff. Love what all of you are doing.

To get to the point:

Is there any way to change the order of appearance on the aircraft drop-down lists in-game (such as when you're in single missions)? Does that have anything to do with the order in the main Aircraft folder?


Hope I don't bore too many of you with my dumb questions..grin.gif

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I think it is alphabetical!:rolleyes:

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in every aircraft folder there is a .ini file with the name of the folder itself


for example, if there is a folder named "F-4E" (from the F-4 phantom") there are a file in it: F-4E.ini


F-4E-ini is the general ini file indicating the instalation of the aircraft, so must have the same name of the folder itself, so if you want to change the folder name (for example: to phantom-E) this file must be named in the same way: phantom-E.ini


in this way you can order (alphabetically) the folders in aircraft folders


the name that you see in the drop-down list in the game are in the same .ini file, open it with any text editor and you'll see this lines on the beginning:



AircraftFullName=F-4E PhantomII <-------- this is the name that show up in the list


as "stick" says the names are ordered alphabetically, so you figure it out how do you want to order it.

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You don't have to rename the folders, Just the


AircraftFullName=Sample name whatever you want <---------------------------------------------

to change an aircraft full name alphabetically in the dropdown menu.

Stock aircraft folder names should never be changed!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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