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Needed Planes

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Hello - New around here, but I have made many a plane for CFS3 and would like to know if there are any planes that are needed for OFF and to whom can I speak?

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Hi Nachtpiltoen,


Well, I suppose you should actually be speaking to the developers at OBD Software! They're currently working on the next release (as you can read elsewhere), which appears to have some new planes, but you never know. If you do make some for OFF, then feel free to put them up as 'add ons' in thedownload section. I'll have a Big Ack and a Siemens DIV thanks.


Go and make your way over to General Discussion - introduce yourself and enjoy the ambience.




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Hi Nachtpiltoen,


Well, I suppose you should actually be speaking to the developers at OBD Software! They're currently working on the next release (as you can read elsewhere), which appears to have some new planes, but you never know. If you do make some for OFF, then feel free to put them up as 'add ons' in thedownload section. I'll have a Big Ack and a Siemens DIV thanks.


Go and make your way over to General Discussion - introduce yourself and enjoy the ambience.





I was thinking about the Siemens.

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