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Hey, Everyone.


I was meaning to ask if there were any more J-8's around...


...besides just the Finback or the Finback-B.


Are there any more variants around??? :dntknw:







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Guest rscsjsuso5

only two version and thats it in reference to insky mods, unless marcfighter releases his then a third version will be counted which would be a very very long time. skimming through Wikipedia and also if you know how to make a fakepilot and then you can implement it as a in-flight refuel probe , other than that you will need to do some extensive load-out changes to get all variants and also data edits and i assume you know the rest , very labor-some.

happy holidays

Edited by rscsjsuso5
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Guest rscsjsuso5

happy holiday 76.iap-blackbird - a screen shot of your wips would be helpful. thanks



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Alright, folks.



Haven't messed with FakePilot in a MINUTE...gotta get that









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...Geez. :boredom:


You GOTTA be the guy with the secret :grandpa:







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Dang, man.


I'd like to think we need some of that in our lives :haha:







Edited by SidDogg

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The Canopy is different, the hump on the back is also another, and im not sure about the over all size. But seems the chineese copied the Ye-152A design. Have the M also as WIP :drinks:

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Finback-D? Finback-H? :dntknw:







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That would be a what if right?! The F-8 is an export version, a not very succesfull. the twoseater are real what if planes, cause it was planed and never realised.

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definately NEED better Finbacks than what's not available

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I just need later variant single-seaters, man.


I'm sure the tandem ones rock :good:







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