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...the horror...the...horror...

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Hey all, I recieved SF2 for Christmas and with some minor changes was able to modify a campaign I had built for SF1.

A key component of that campaign is to compress the flow of the campaign from years to days by reducing the mission rate, supply and other factors noted at the top of the Camp*_Data.ini.

I tried to get two - four missions per day.

As it turns out on the first run in the 1st SOW, I'm getting one mission per day. I've just finished September, and have enter October with just about 30 sorties.

The squadron has close to 200% casualties, we have no AIM-9bs left, 2 of the original fighters, and due to a bug, 18 replacement Aircraft of which 15 remainin.


Most of the missions I get are High Level Bomber interdiction. In this case they are Tu-4s. Generally they come in from 35k-45k. If I am able to make a few passes, it's Guns Only. Pretty Tough.


On the ground Paran started with initiative, but Friendlies have held and began pushing forward, one step, and held off the counter attack. So, after 30 days everyone is waiting for resupply set at 45 days for paran and 30 days for Dhimar. Paran started these high level buff runs. pretty hard to stop with the 1956 Export Tech.


The question is, has anyone else tried this?

How is resupply handled in the short Isreali Campaigns? or, maybe it's not handled, and that's why the campaigns are so short?

Is there a way to alter the Campaign Victory Conditions for a modified DS Camp? If so, how?


Finally, is there a way to ADD missions to the Campaigns?



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try this im not if it will work doe




AircraftReplacementTime=30<-------------new aircraft every 30 days???

AircraftReplacement=60<------only 60% off losts are replaced

GroundUnitReplacementTime=30<--same has aircrat

GroundUnitReplacement=100<----full replacement

RandomTransportType=ANY<-assing a aircrat to tranport role

WeaponResupplyTime=15<----------you should get new weapons every 15 days

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btw i thought Tu-4s always had a ceiling of 35000ft. it's nice if they can do high level bombings.

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That's pretty close to what I have. I didn't realize replacements were only 60%. Very Helpful, thanks.

Any idea on Victory Conditions?


Aarow, THATS WHAT I THOUGHT, but there went my Primary Target 10k over my head.

Edited by Padre

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For victory conditions the way his to play out the campaing until it ends in cease-fire but in your pilot record it counts has a victory.

or ground forces complet there strategic goal that his set like this

BaseArea=Muthala<----------strategic goal for Paran ground forces in this case

set a city(target area has BaseAera and wend it conquered you win or lose the campaing

one thing Strategic Nodes must set for ground force to get there







ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=298000,688000<----way point to Muthala and were the gorund battle will take place




That's pretty close to what I have. I didn't realize replacements were only 60%.


try to set to 100 and reduce weapons suplly to 8 days

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here this may help it out off date but for basics it still helps


Stratigic Nodes..Ah, yes...Thanks Again!

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