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Basic Mission Template

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Just experienced this (and other frustrations with the mission editor). Edited a strike mission to replace Russian task force with a tanker convoy for some easy target practice for A7. When I started the mission there were three Nimitz carriers on top of each other. The ME had also assigned my strike target to a warehouse instead of the convoy (I had no other targets than the convoy in the mission).


On top of that my walleyes wouldn't hit the target. Came in at 10K feet, slight dive 4nm out, selected tanker as target and locked it, weapons release, nothing. Gave orders to wingy to attack my target, he went down to zero feet, called bombs gone, no result and then made gun passes on the tanker. Stuffed if I know which is operator error and which are bugs.


Bugs my friend. I am sure TK will fix these in the patch.

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