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Bletchley's AA MOD

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Bletchley's AA MOD

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A gradual progression in accuracy and density of AA bursts as you progress from 1915 through to 1918.


When the campaign transitions from one date period to another just de-activate the current file and activate the next one.


I use this mod by selecting 'Normal' in Workshop settings for an 'active' front, 'Easy' for a 'quiet' front and 'Hard' for balloon attack missions. But on each workshop setting there is a gradual progression in accuracy and density of AA bursts as you progress from 1915 through to 1918, so you can just stick to one workshop setting if you prefer to use it this way, or find your own combination of settings.


This mod works well with my earlier mods, as it changes different files and settings, but. It will not work with any other AA mods that are installed via JGSME into the WWI Scenery folder.




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