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I have noticed recently since the introduction of chaff and flares, that radar guided missiles are about as much use as a chocolate fire-guard. You'd have a better kill rate of you started strapping ten foot spears onto the front of your jet, and tried skewering the enemy out of the sky.

I don't mean to be pedantic, but i was just wondering if there are any tips or ideas any one has on how to overcome this problem? Seriously everytime a radar missile get fired, it tracks untill it almost hits, then decides it can't be bothered and goes off for a wonder.

I suppose giving every plane chaff and flare might have something to do with it, but i worked on the basis that if the basic stockplanes had chaff and flare way back when, then every other plance since then must have also had chaff and flare?

I really am stuck on this one, any help would be greatly recieved.


Thanks for yout time, Chris :wacko:

Edited by chrislancaster01

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Oh yeh, sorry to blag, but if the F4 had ECM, then surely adding DECEPTIVE ECM capabilities to every fighter in the game thereafter, would be a correct thing to do if you wanted to make things more realistic?



Cheers, Chris

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if the basic stockplanes had chaff and flare way back when, then every other plance since then must have also had chaff and flare?

I really am stuck on this one, any help would be greatly recieved.

They didn't but shortly thereafter they did following experience.

Pretty much the same with ECM.

e.g. in early years chaff tended to be laid by dedicated aircraft with pods - some pilots shoved handfuls of chaff into their speedbrakes to give them a 1 shot ability.

Afaik none had flares (pods became available later & later mks of aircraft gained internal dispensers).


btw iirc in Vietnam no. of US radar guided missiles expended versus hits was about 4% :ohmy:

& that was without the Migs having chaff ...

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Buff..you're spot on.The vietnam era aircraft had no flares and very few had chaff...the radar guided missiles were ify at best,and the sparrow was a true radar guided missile so once you got a lock and fired you HAD to maintain a lock with your radar to guide the missile home,and the sidewinders were rear aspect missiles so you had to be in a postion behind or at least in an angle to lock the nozzle of their engines so the missile could"see"their heat signature.ECM pods came along later and had to be slung under wing.

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yeh guys but not only do radar guided missiles wonder off just before impact, IRM missiles also do it!

I am not talking about your basic missiles, this also applies to bitchin missiles like AMRAAM, ASRAAM, ALAMO, ADDER ETC .. just about everymissile i have tested, and they all go an walk. :blink:

Seriously, it's not funny, nothing hits anything anymore. They just go for a wonder before impact, and i can't see any deployment of decoys. It's sooo frustrating. Would it be anything to do with the missiles reliability?




(P.S I still don't get any missile showing up when i select APHID IRM'S)


Anyways, thankyou for all of you time and contributions! :rolleyes:

Edited by chrislancaster01

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Well, I haven't seen it because I haven't added counter measures to every aircraft (because they didn't have them) nor used missiles that didn't exist. You must remember that the countermeasures are being enabled by hacks - TK hasn't fully implemented everything in the game engine let alone tweaked it.


However, if you have read about Vietnam then you will know that the AIM-7 was known as "the Great White Hope" - it ws notoriously unreliable often simply falling away from the a/c or going ballistic. As I said about a 4% hit rate.

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Cheers BUFF!


I have decided to take Decoys off everything i got, that didn't come with them. I will see what that does, hopefully it will mean no more :tomato:


Cheers again, :biggrin:

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