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Does this mean that FM/EW version 2.2 works with Office, or do I need to send you the mod with revised file names that don't have the version numbers?

2.2 works as is, and the future version without version numbers will work as well.

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Looks like the file that sets up the Mods activation order and rules with the standardized listing of Mod Names is 'C:\OFFice\config\JSGME.config' in my installation. The text of the JSGME.config file is pretty much mashed together and very hard to decipher. Which text reader/editor can we use to make any sense out of it?

I use NoteTab Light. The problem is on that WIndows has inherited all the way from DOS. Most operating systems use either a carriage return (CR) or line feed (LF) character to indicate a new line. DOS and Windows and the included Notepad require BOTH characters to render a new line, and can't properly display text documents from other systems. 30 years and we're still dealing with this crap from Microsoft.


But once you have a proper text editor the format of the JSGME.config file is fairly straightforward.

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Thanks, HPW and Lothar, for the suggestions. NoteTab Pro was already in my toolbox. The JSGME.config file is really elegant now that I can read it correctly. It is fun to follow the logic of the rules you have designed. What a powerful programming lanquage, this REBOL 3 Alpha, and it's capabilities to 'grab' JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler and 'squeeze it till it howls!'


Now if we could only give the Adjudant some proper intelligence to glean the Activity Level (AL) and Operational Rating (OR) from a running OFF campaign, we indeed would truly have "WOOF Jr"!


Oh, and I saw a hint (a tease, maybe) that a future version might be able to pull the "Aces" personalities into OFFice. Man, that would really be Sweet.



Edited by OlPaint01

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Thanks, HPW and Lothar, for the suggestions. NoteTab Pro was already in my toolbox. The JSGME.config file is really elegant now that I can read it correctly. It is fun to follow the logic of the rules you have designed. What a powerful programming lanquage, this REBOL 3 Alpha, and it's capabilities to 'grab' JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler and 'squeeze it till it howls!'

REBOL the most flexible, powerful, mind-blowing, and fun language I've ever used. It's from the guy who designed the Amiga operating system. But unfortunately development of R3 alpha seems to have crapped out a year and a half ago, after I'd already been working on OFFice for over two years. The version I'm using didn't yet support image files for example, to display pictures of your squadmates and such. So I'm kind of in a bind with it at this point.


But I'm glad at least someone can get their head around the mod rules so they can be updated even if I'm not around.

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