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F-104A, RJAF Skin/Decal Pak

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F-104A, RJAF Skin/Decal Pak

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F-104A, Royal Jordanian Air Force Skin/Decal Pak


= For SF2, Any and All =


A new(ish) skin for the recently re-released revamp of Ajundair's F-104A Starfighter. This package is =ONLY= to be applied to the SF2 F-104A Pak by Spillone104 & Co, available at:




This represents RJAF F-104As, with historical serial numbers and ID Letters (albeit 3 or 4 actually are for their 104Bs ...). Decal randomization is set to TRUE. This is a reuse of one of the newly released natural metal skins, with all new decals. What little I've been able to determine via research, they weren't painted in camo until their retirement (1980s??), and used as decoys at various RJAF bases (* the pattern described is very similiar of the Mirage F-1 the RJAF was using at the time*)


Please note, the skins are in jpg format, so be at least at the Jan 2012 patch level (or whichever one in 2011 allowed it) for them to work. If not ... you can figure out the alternatives.


As always, READ the enclosed readme for usual fully detailed install instructions.


Happy Landings!


kevin stein


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What little I've been able to determine via research, they weren't painted in camo until their retirement (1980s??), and used as decoys at various RJAF bases (* the pattern described is very similiar of the Mirage F-1 the RJAF was using at the time*)



The Jordanians painted their Starfighters(atleast some of them) prior to 1971. That's because some of the Jordanian Starfighters that flew with the Pakistani AF in the 1971 war had desert camo painted on them. They just repainted PAF roundels on them. The F-104A that was shot down on December 12, 1971 by Flt Lt Soni( MiG-21FL) sported desert camo, indicating it was an ex-RJAF machine.


Nine F-104As of the RJAF arrived at Masroor (Mauripur) Air Base on December 13, 1971. The Jordanian pilots who ferried them were all operational pilots and they flew many air defense missions on these fighters within the Pakistani air space. The PAF did not allow them to fly cross-border offensive missions over the Indian territory.


Royal Jordanian AF F-104As in Pakistan: 56-767, 56-774, 56-775, 56-777, 56-789, 56-799, 56-839, 56-843, 56-845.


The Royal Jordanian AF aircraft were painted with PAF roundels during the 71 war.


The Pakistan AF lost three F-104 during the 1971 war including a RJAF F-104A with tail number 56-767 on December 17, 1971 (Flt Lt Samad Ali Changezi was shot down (KIA) by F/L Arun K Dutta flying a MiG-21FL)





Edited by ghostrider883

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thanks Sandesh! I knew there was a camo skin around, I just couldn't find it!!!

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It needs new serial numbers pack, now that we know all Paki assigned serial nos of ex-Jordanian F-104s. The camo colours also need to be toned down.


Anyone willing to do it, Paulo perhaps :spiteful: ? He came up with some amazing skins for the IAF Type 77 MiG-21FL :bowdown2:

Edited by ghostrider883

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