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North American P-51D (C-4) Mustang

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After the end of WWII, Spain needed to build up an air force to protect itself from foreign aggressors.

The spanish aircraft manufacturer Hispano Aviación, who possessed the license for the Messerschmitt Me-109, was forced to sell the license to the US or otherwise, among other reasons, Spain would have suffered from an embargo, which the country could have never survived. Since Spain was a former ally of Nazi Germany, the US was interested in all kinds of technology Spain gathered from the Third Reich.


Spain, as a kind of compensation, received former planes from the USAF stationed in Germany. Among them were 48 P-51D Mustangs. The planes arrived by train, most of them in rather bad condition. Most of the planes got repaired, but 10 of them had to be scrapped, taking out still usable parts, and 14 more were stored as replacements for potential losses. 24 entered service in the Ala 7 and did service from 1948 until 1955.





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