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Small help request for Pfalz D.III

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Hi all,

Please can someone send me via PM Pfalz D.III (not D.IIIa)? Got banned before i got it. I dowloaded Timor (totaly porked and it even dosent work in my SFP1) and 5 WWI airplaces from Capun site. I got only Pfalz D.IIIa and overlooked there is plain D.III too :( I edited my FE2 campaing in 1917 to have Pfalz for Jasta 4 and 10. For now i set it as Pfalz D.IIIa. It should be D.III. I know i made stupid mistake not to read thier rules. Just dont think i caused that big bandwith usage with one big and 5 small files to be banned. Last time i was there year or so ago, nevermind. If someone will be so kind to help me obtain correct D.III i will be very thankful. I will upload edited campaing setup for FE2 here then.

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Yeah I have had similar problems, dont want to diss anyone, or start a flame war, but I dont understand why Mr Capun has to be quite so precious.........if he wants to preserve his bandwith why not have a similar system to the one on this site, which limits the amount of downloads you are allowed in one day, unless you subscribe, a very fair and impartial system if you ask me. The over protectiveness of skunkworks is a little petty in my opinion........only saying, and I hope my opinion doesnt pee anyone off

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100% agree. But its his site, his rules. Dont think so i used a lot of their bandwidth in that my two visits during 2 years. And yesterday i spent whole night to fix obvious ini errors for Pfalz D.IIIa.

Edited by ataribaby

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Thanks to user here i got D.III file and saw what i was afraid of. Its not D.III at all. Its just D.IIIa called D.III! D.III has guns inside engine cowlings. What a fool i am to get banned for this. Anway. Working on Pfalz campaing and sort of Blue Max campaing.


Edit: Got rid of guns by some FM dat from combatace. Looks like it was edit of Peter's FM and fixed guns with remove command and texture artwork. Well done!

Edited by ataribaby

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Well good luck with that mate, keep us posted how you are getting along, I cant comment on the Pfalz, as I have never used it, or not yet at least, however I think you will find that only the very first production DIII's thehad the guns mounted internally, later DIII's and the DIIIa both had them mounted externally, as it was easier to service and or remove the guns without having to remove engine and fuselage panels. As for the differences between the 2 marks of Pfalz, they were mainly an upgraded engine, and a few redesigns to the lower wing and the tailplanes, so probably not worth the trouble,for us in the sim, especially as the aircraft was very unpopular with the pilots, allegedly due to performance and handling, but more likely to be the fact that it isnt a very pretty airframe when compared to contemporary aircraft also in service at the time

Edited by trotski00

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Yep i got D.III right without guns with removal part trick from one of FM dats here. A already fixed bugs in ini. Fixed fuselage shadow in cokpit and set all skins to FE2 level and made bare bone campaing edts for stock 1917 campaing where you can fly jasta 4 and 10 with Pfalz and Made 1917 version inspired by Bluemax flick with where you can fly along characters from film with bluemax skin i found here. all works perfect. its just first bare version of campaing. I will clean package from a-team lods so ppl need supply their own ateam zips and post link for test.


Yeah D.III is underpowered and you need make longer takeoff run and put tailskid into air as soon as possible to gain speed. D.IIIa 170HP and D.IIIa 180 HP is bit better.


Btw do someone know if machine guns can be set to be not able to unjam them? D.III had guns insde engine cowling so pilot was unable to unjam and thats why D.IIIa moved guns back on top. Also its possible to define ace for squadron that apear in defined time? will be cool for my BlueMax campaing i working on.


In 1917 i have this








KnownAce[02].LastName=von Klugerman













If i want extend BlueMax campaing into 1918 with aircraft upgrades i would like to add Bruno Stachel at some exact point. Fabian should be dead at some poin too but dont think its possible to define. Lets allow dynamic campaing engine takes care of their fates.


I will define D.IIIa 170HP upgrade somewhere in middle of campaing in 1917 so you will not get stuck with lazy D.III

Edited by ataribaby

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Edited BlueMax skin i found here that i use for BlueMax campaing:



Edited by ataribaby

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Here is first version that i put together tonight. First install ATeam D.III and D.IIIa into yout FE2 mod folder ( make folder PfalzD3a_170 in Objects\Aircraft\ too for 170HP version and copy there ateam D.IIIa content) then unzip downloaded zip from link bellow into FE2 mod folder. Then you will see BlueMax campaign and custom 1917 one where you can select jasta 4 and 10 to fly pfalz.




Sure i will make proper credits and ask all authors of work i used if i can use it if possible to contact them.

Edited by ataribaby

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Yes there is a way of disabling the unjamming of the gun, I have seen something in the data files of some ( not all ) that states allow unjam true/False.....I have so many airframes uploaded though I cannot tell you where exactly I saw it, but it is there somewhere, I am sure one of the more esteemed members of the forum can advise on this better than I

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