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OK I got USAF...now what?

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I have it patched to 1.02 or something like that. what all do I need now?

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Hey Dagger!


Thought this forum was gonna dry up as well. However there were about 15 pilots in HL last night flying a bunch!


Anyway, your best bet is to hop over to Mcfly Hangar: Utilities



Pick up the NO CD Patch and you'll be set. Extract the file to your Janes Combat Sim/USAF folder and it will overwrite the original 1.02 USAF.exe file


Most players play in HL although some still use Gamespy.


good luck...any other problems...just let me know



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how can I add those really great looking Aircraft? I mean I really like the looks of the F-18 and the A-6.

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In that case, let me explain a few things.


1. Standard USAF 1.02 carries stock flyables only.


2. The USAF Development Group has re-created the original game and designated it Super Pro 9 (SP9)


3. The two are actually completely different with the latter based on the original


For you SP9 needs to fly all those aircraft, stop by McFly's SP9 site:




Most download sites are closed but I know you can get it from the 195th Blacksheep:




I currently have an outdated version of the latest admin. Correction....downloading latest version now...it's 260Mb.


I'm receiving it from:




This is a complete new game...you will have to read the instruction at McFly's site to better understand the installation process...especially if you want to run both versions


BTW....don't forget to check out this:



Let me know if I can help anywhere else



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You know, I've been getting the itch to install USAF again, I may have to throw it on this weekend and join you guys... :P

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This is a fun sim...but the FMs seem alittle outta whack. I just turned a Thud with a F-16.

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It is a great game, I wish I could play it on my new machine. Is there any way to get this to work with my WIN XP pro system? AAAAAAArg!-Sledge

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Does anyone have them burned to a CD? I have a dail-up and would be 'til doomsday downloading them. Thanx in advance.

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What are you looking to obtain...??


I have:


The Patch 1.02F

NO CD Crack


as well as some skins and what not.


If you looking for SP9.2, well...that should be out real soon


You can PM me your addy and I can send ya what I can.



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Will sp9 work with XP? I tried it once, but maybe someone knows some tweaks or something.

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